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Eyelid job

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Review of the first day of the 3rd eye burial

응차응차 2018-07-24 (화) 03:52 6 Years ago 1575

After the 2nd incision, the line was buried 6 months later . During the first and second surgery, the surgery was performed under partial anesthesia after breaking sleep anesthesia . ) Wake up and open your eyes and that's it. There is no pain, and I thought I could do it a few times by burying it ^^;; I was embarrassed because there were a lot of bruises and swelling from the first day, but they went away quickly.

Comment 5
애슐리비 2018-07-30 (월) 22:30 6 Years ago Address
for2me 2018-07-31 (화) 09:12 6 Years ago Address
도레미 2018-08-07 (화) 17:15 6 Years ago Address
얼른 회복하세요~
홍차 2018-08-15 (수) 13:33 6 Years ago Address
혹시 정보 알려주실 수 있나요?? 라인이 너무 예쁘세요!!
밤부엉이 2018-09-17 (월) 16:44 6 Years ago Address
라인높이 얼마로 하셨나여? 이정도면 9mm일려나요? ㅠㅠ 저 9mm로 하기로 했는데 넘 두꺼울까봐 걱정됫요.ㅠ
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