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Eyelid job

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Review of 10 years of Ssangsu

스프라이트 2018-07-01 (일) 10:25 6 Years ago 1586
I had a burial method + epicanthoplasty. At the time, I felt a unique feeling after the surgery for about a year, but after that, the awkwardness disappeared and settled down naturally, so I lived with great satisfaction. My friend who had an incision at the same time took a little more than a year for the awkwardness to disappear. I liked the natural look of my eyes, but after they were in place, they looked a little like my friend's eyes with incisions, and I looked pretty in photos, so I regretted it a little. And after 10 years, it started to slowly unravel. Rather than completely unraveling, the lines became thinner and more and more of an inner pair. But I held on . But since last year, I've been thinking that it won't work anymore and that I'll have to have the surgery again. I thought the incision wouldn't heal, but I heard that in some people the incision will heal, so I'm currently thinking about it.

Comment 9
씨크릿머리띠 2018-07-01 (일) 11:10 6 Years ago Address
와십년ㅇ면 진짜 오래되셨어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
페퍼민트사랑 2018-07-01 (일) 11:52 6 Years ago Address
맞아욤 절개를 했는데도 몇번 풀려서 몇번 한 사람도 있더라구요.
민들레2 2018-07-02 (월) 14:24 6 Years ago Address
7년전 매몰 했는데 다시 반절개로 이번에 쌍수 다시 할 계획입니다 눈꺼풀도 쳐지고 라인이 다 덮혀버리더라구요 근데 붓기 빠지려면 또 시간 걸리는거아시죠ㅠㅠ 그거 감당하기 두렵네요
별가임니당 2018-07-02 (월) 14:27 6 Years ago Address
저도 매몰 4년차에 풀려서 매몰로 다시 받았어요ㅠㅠ
절개로할까 하다가 실패하면 되돌릴수없을거 같아서
매몰로 다시 했는데
결과는 만족이에요
근데 또 풀릴거같긴 하네용ㅠㅠ
math**** 2018-07-02 (월) 19:39 6 Years ago Address
저도 10년전쯤 부분절개로 했는데 풀려서 다시 재슈슐 했어요 ㅠ
뚜루뚜루뚜 2018-07-03 (화) 14:52 6 Years ago Address
헉 절개도풀리네요ㅠㅠ
slpw 2018-07-03 (화) 19:45 6 Years ago Address
매몰도 1년이 걸리나요??
으허후느오으스 2018-07-04 (수) 08:17 6 Years ago Address
저 8년전에 절개로 했는데 풀려서 1년뒤에 재수술했어요! 근데 또 시간이 많이지나니까 님처럼 풀린건 아닌데 얇아지고 속쌍처럼 변해서 다시해야되나 고민중...
허세정 2019-10-16 (수) 17:05 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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