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Eyelid job

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After the eyes are ruined heh...

우리집강아지초코 2017-12-28 (목) 21:12 6 Years ago 2810
I grabbed the double cup and opened my eyes. I was told that the front slit was also open as much as the director wanted, so I could put two eyes on it, but I wonder if it was 0.1mm. Other hospitals told me that I couldn't make a big line, but the Changwon chain that I had plastic surgery on now has changed its name to d Plastic Surgery.. They say that they can make it bigger . When I was young, I believed only the doctor’s words, but after 4 years of stress, I went from Gyeongnam to Seoul and got an appointment for revision surgery on my eyes from the director of the OT Plastic Surgery Clinic. Please support everyone

Comment 7
이지원 2017-12-28 (목) 21:20 6 Years ago Address
힘내세요ㅠㅠ 성공하실꺼에요!
Gam 2017-12-28 (목) 21:57 6 Years ago Address
재수술 잘되시길바래용
훔냐리 2017-12-28 (목) 22:41 6 Years ago Address
진짜성공하실거에요 ㅜㅜ
카요카여 2017-12-29 (금) 07:46 6 Years ago Address
고기주사 2017-12-29 (금) 10:17 6 Years ago Address
인생이 망한건아니니 화팅요
소마2580 2018-02-04 (일) 11:33 6 Years ago Address
꼭 잘되시길 기원해요~!
캬키쿄유에 2018-04-30 (월) 18:22 6 Years ago Address
눈잘되셧어요??? 여기서할까고민중인뎅 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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