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Eyelid job

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Please see if it goes well on the 12th day of the incision.

호형 2017-08-10 (목) 07:15 7 Years ago 2889

I had a double incision epicanthoplasty. What is it like? Did it work out? There's still swelling, but I'm not sure if it's okay. Oh, and my eyes are a little sore. Is this normal? I am constantly using pumpkin juice and warm compresses. It's not going away at all. Do I have to wait longer to find out....?

Comment 7
예뿌지니 2017-08-10 (목) 14:09 7 Years ago Address
There seems to be less swelling than expected and you seem to be doing well ^^
qw**** 2017-08-11 (금) 14:47 7 Years ago Address
Wow, it really went well.. Can you give me some information about the hospital and prices?
빨강장미 2017-08-15 (화) 12:48 7 Years ago Address
It went well. It was an incision, and there wasn't much swelling.
예뻐진나 2017-08-15 (화) 23:05 7 Years ago Address
That's great! Please give me some information!
나래진 2017-08-16 (수) 19:57 7 Years ago Address
That's really great, can you give me some info?
정팔이 2017-08-29 (화) 05:48 7 Years ago Address
I think it went really well!
aslkfjeiwo 2017-09-07 (목) 15:17 7 Years ago Address
Personally, I think it's much better to do it before
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