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Eyelid job

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The review after being buried..

유뉴녜 2016-09-18 (일) 22:13 8 Years ago 16447
In April of last year, I went to the event said hospital and paid 330,000 won for a burial surgery. I just grabbed the line and twisted it with a thread and a needle under local anesthesia, but it didn't hurt. But when the doctor designed it, he said that I have a lot of fat in the eyelids, so it would be good to remove fat and open the back of the eyes too, but before my surgery, my eyes were in a state of double eyelid + double eyelids for years, so I didn't believe the doctor's advice and just told me to bury it. So.. So I buried it, and the swelling didn't go away for 3 months.. And I wanted to show my boyfriend a prettier side, so I did it the day after my boyfriend went on a long-term business trip and returned to Korea 3 months later. They said it was too burdensome, so they kept telling me to remove it.. At that time, my eyes were those that were put on top of a typical fatty eye sausage.. Even people around me knew that I was a double-blind girl, so I was annoyed too, so I went to the hospital where I had surgery. it was different At first, the doctor stopped me, but I had to ask for it, so I barely made it. I did not have any money to solve . I just loosened it, but my eyes opened very well, and before that, it was hard to open my eyes because there was something entangled in my eyes, but I can open my eyes, and if it was the inner double eyelid that had been placed as a double eyelid in the past, it was fixed for 3 months even after I loosened it, so now I have a completely natural double eyelid. . I don't regret it, but my right eye is only half adherent? Because this doesn't work, the double eyelid line doesn't go all the way.. I'm thinking of getting double eyelid surgery in the future . I don't think it's a waste of money because I got pretty double eyelids on the left at an affordable price. Ah, I think it was possible because the melting thread was buried . There was no black thread visible or not. It's been almost a year now, but I don't care at all except for the fact that I'm single. Except for the stress I've had with my double eyes... The doctor's skills were really good , but I'm sorry for taking so much. If you have any other questions, please let me know in the comments and I 'll answer them asap I came from the nose room haha ​​I'm still young, but why do I have so many surgeries and solutions haha ​​I hope it'll be a good review for those who are thinking about getting their double eyelids removed~

Comment 12
쟈나 2016-09-24 (토) 21:40 8 Years ago Address
It's been a month now, and I'm thinking about unraveling it because it looks so unnatural to me ㅠㅠ I was originally going to do the same line made with double-tape tape, but the stress is no joke.. Did you have any scars left after unraveling? I heard that you have to take out the thread through an incision to get rid of the burial.
유뉴녜 Writer 2016-09-25 (일) 01:26 8 Years ago Address
[ @Janna] It left a scar ㅠㅠ I have a pimple mark.. It's not dark, but it's a lot lighter now!
알고파요흙 2016-10-08 (토) 07:20 8 Years ago Address
I've been cold for 10 days and I'm wondering if it's because I'm double-blind or if I should get rid of it.
유뉴녜 Writer 2016-10-10 (월) 10:55 8 Years ago Address
[@I know you] It's the 10th day, but it doesn't come back like it used to!! I guess the double eyelids are a little darker because the lines are left when I'm short.
알고파요흙 2016-10-12 (수) 01:58 8 Years ago Address
[@유뉴녜] 수술 전에 풀면 옛날 눈으로 돌아오죠? 이러니까 돌아온다던데....

              그래서 한건데... 이중매몰 말고 매몰로 했거든요 그래도 라인이 남나요? 한달뒤에 풀어도?????

              제가 원래 쌍꺼풀이 있었는데 그거보다 크게 한건데 살짝 크게하려고 한건데 너무 크고 부담스러워요 ㅠㅠ

              제 원래 쌍꺼풀대로 안돌아오나요? 1달 뒤에 풀면??  수술한 라인이 위에 하나 더 생기나요??
유뉴녜 Writer 2016-10-12 (수) 07:40 8 Years ago Address
[@알고파요흙] 눈에 상처를 내서 꼬맨건데 한달동안은 붙어서 고정이 돼 있었잖아요 그러니까 완전 전 눈처럼 다시 돌아오기는 시간도 걸리고 조직세포라는게 눈쪽은 완전 탱탱하지도 않고 그래서 바느질 자국 남아요 그래서 그 바느질자국 따라 라인이 바뀐거구요 한달밖에 안됐으니까 라인이 빨리 사라지면 전에눈이랑 똑같이 될수도 있어요 하지만 눈 치켜뜨면 흉 보이긴해요 근데 막 이상하지 않아요 아예 다른눈이 되지도 않구요
알고파요흙 2016-10-12 (수) 23:11 8 Years ago Address
[@유뉴녜] 감사해요 ㅠㅠ 그런데 한달 뒤에 못 풀개 할것 같아서 걱정이에요 ㅠㅠ 적어도 3개월은 기다리라고 할 거 같아요 ㅠㅠ
                오늘 처음 아이라인 그렸는데 쌍꺼풀이 다시 한번 엄청 크다는걸 깨달았네요 ㅠㅠㅠ 예전이랑 ㅠ 어떻게 붓기 빠질동안 눈을 가려야 될지 고민되요
                아이라인만으론 안가려져서 ㅠㅠ 안경쓰면 눈이 더 못생겨보여서 안경으로도 못 가라겠구 ㅠ
유뉴녜 Writer 2016-10-14 (금) 01:27 8 Years ago Address
[@알고파요흙] 매몰 다시 풀면 소세지같은 쌍커풀라인은 사라져요 고정하고있는게 없어져서 붓기 다 빠진 라인처럼? 자연스럽게 빠져요 너무 걱정마시구 3개월만 꾹 참으세요!!
카라스밍 2016-10-31 (월) 20:21 8 Years ago Address
그래도 푼게 더 마음에 드신다니 정말 다행이네요
MINLEE 2017-02-25 (토) 10:41 7 Years ago Address
매몰로 하면 좀 자연스럽게 되지 않나요?
저희 언니는 눈에 지방이 없어서 매몰로 했는데
진짜 자연스럽게 잘됬고 20년 다되가는데 아직도 안풀리고 잘 사네요 ㅎㅎ
원글님도 한쪽은 자연스럽게 생겨서 다행이에요~
다른한쪽도 나중에 나이좀 먹고 얼굴살 빠지면 이쁘게 자리잡을지도 몰라용
Sifnsjwnsn… 2022-06-15 (수) 14:51 2 Years ago Address
매몰 풀고 원래 눈으로 돌아오는데 얼마나 걸리셨어요…? 전 풀었는데 겹주름이 생겨서 너무 우울하네요…ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
hopehope 2023-01-08 (일) 16:31 1 Years ago Address
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