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Eyelid job

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If you have single eyes... Never make one bigger or smaller ㅠㅠ (Partial incision 6 years later)

로샤로 2015-09-02 (수) 21:21 9 Years ago 4300
I made a partial incision at ㅇ~ The surgery itself wasn't that bad... But it wasn't very clean, it was just a heavy blow. It's been so long I can't remember the cost: I don't like it because one eye is congenitally small and droopy, so I asked for a bigger one. I did , but the corners of the eyes had a low bone, so I only pinched the middle of the eyes. Then it turned out to be the same size as the middle of the eye, but one side was smaller at the end. I wish the director who performed the operation would have told me not to say that it would be weird... I just wanted to correct the asymmetry, so I just did it. I want to go back to that time. The thing I regret the most in my life is what I did when I was double-headed (I can't touch it again, the scars are so deep.. No matter how much time passes, I'm still cracking up.) I raised one side to correct my single eyes. For those who do it in the future, really, never make an incision or procrastinate... (At least, don't do it at a cheap place or anywhere else, find a place that doesn't really show anything) Don't say that you're going to correct your single eyes, but naturally use your original personality!! ㅠㅠ Like famous celebrities like Ayase Harukana and Hirosue Ryoko.. Rather than artificial, natural paired eyes are much prettier.

Comment 7
자연성형 2015-09-11 (금) 13:06 9 Years ago Address
헉 한쪽눈만 크게되신건가요??어휴 기분안좋으시겟어요ㅠ조언감사합니다!
yukahill 2015-09-13 (일) 13:25 9 Years ago Address
저도 짝눈이라 한쪽을 더 크게할까 생각중이었는데.. 더 고민해봐야겠네요
사랑해요바보처럼 2015-09-15 (화) 00:04 9 Years ago Address
저도 어릴때부터 짝눈이라 고민햇엇는데...
이그.....쌍수 다시한번 고민해봐야 겟네요...
솜잉 2015-09-20 (일) 05:35 9 Years ago Address
저도 그래요ㅜㅜ 수술할수록  더 짝짝이가 되네요
다잘될거야1 2015-09-20 (일) 23:01 9 Years ago Address
절개로 해도 재수술가능한데 부절로 하셨으면 다시 재수술 가능하시지 않을까요ㅠㅠ?
dkdltm 2016-03-09 (수) 15:57 8 Years ago Address
저도 짝눈이라 한쪽을 더 크게 찝어야하나 고민하고있었는데 ㅜㅠ 어떻게 정해야할지가 참 어려운거 같아요..
달콤살코미 2016-07-17 (일) 23:10 8 Years ago Address
ㅈㅇ이 어디예요? 지오예요? 아니면 정원? 원장님 성함은요? ㅠㅠ
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