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Eyelid job

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If you double up by burying

ㅇ간지은근ㅇ 2008-02-20 (수) 19:22 16 Years ago 2209
I double-handed on Tuesday as a burial. But when I try to open my eyes wide, it pulls me too much.. Is it like this? Or did you tie it up too much ?

Comment 6
사랑,마음이시킨가장 2008-02-20 (수) 21:05 16 Years ago Address
It's a bit sore at first -
kim125132 2008-02-21 (목) 23:38 16 Years ago Address
It's been almost a month since I've been pulling it, but I still crave it when it's wide open~ It's a tarsus, but I think the burial, tarsus, and incision feel all the same.
퐁퐁퐁- 2008-02-22 (금) 23:29 16 Years ago Address
Hey, I've been buried for a month now, but I get cravings when I open my eyes wide or look up. stiff? I feel that way... Besides, I'm buried in thread pulling; If I pull out a thread, do I keep craving?
fnqlr 2008-02-23 (토) 04:39 16 Years ago Address
원래 당분간 그래여 ㅋㅋ시간지나면 편해져요 전이랑 똑같아짐. 전매몰 절개 두번다해봐서..ㅋㅋ
뾰로롱꼬마 2008-02-25 (월) 14:08 16 Years ago Address
퐁퐁퐁님 실안뽑는 매몰이라두요 실뽑는 매몰도 눈 살 속에 실을 매고 사는거기때문에 땡기는 느낌은 난다고 의사선생님이 그랬던거 같아요~ 걱정마세용~~^^
해볼테야 2008-02-25 (월) 17:52 16 Years ago Address
저두 살안뽑는매몰,절개 둘다 해봣는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 실안뽑는 매몰은 몇달까지 뻐근한거가요~ 그래도 일년정도 지나면 눈 엄청나게 비벼대고....ㅋㅋㅋ 모 갠차나저요^^
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