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Eyelid job

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Are you someone who is frowning?

와우♬ 2005-02-01 (화) 10:25 19 Years ago 1889
I have been using Eye Charm and Glue for about 2 years - when I went to see a consultation, everyone said that there was no need to make incisions or remove saggy skin because the treatment was not very good - so I decided to buy it; Is this phenomenon possibly a good thing- -?? It's not the eyelids, it's the double folded flesh that goes inward, right? It's slightly visible there.-_ㅜ The skin right above the eyelashes. ㅜㅜ Of course, I may be the only one who feels sensitive; This is something that only catches my eye in one eye in particular; Should I at least apply eye cream diligently from now on? They say that if you use an eye cream that is mild at first, it will last longer; What did you use when you first used eye cream?? But is it okay to just apply eye cream to the couple’s joints? I heard that it is not to be applied to skin close to the eyes;;

Comment 7
왕방울눈될꼬양 2005-02-01 (화) 10:27 19 Years ago Address
처진살 제거 기준은 의사 마다 틀린거 같아요 ~! 저두 상담 여섯군데를 다녔는데 어떤 의사는 처진살 없이 탱탱하다고 했고 어떤의사는 처진살이 40대 아줌마 수준이라고 했어요 ~!
왕방울눈될꼬양 2005-02-01 (화) 10:28 19 Years ago Address
그리고 수술 한뒤 몇주 간은 눈에 화장품 바르는거 안좋다고 하던데~ 매몰이시니까 별로 상관은 없으시겠네요 ~!
하하하^ㅇ^ 2005-02-01 (화) 11:16 19 Years ago Address
저는 속쌍커플이 있었는데 원래 쳐진살이라 쌍커플 라인을 좀 크게 했어요
니뿡~ 當ㅁ當 2005-02-01 (화) 16:25 19 Years ago Address
ㅜ_ㅠ 저두 님이랑 똑같은 증상이예요.ㅜ_ㅠ 저도 아이참3년넘게 붙였는데 그냥 매몰만 했는데
니뿡~ 當ㅁ當 2005-02-01 (화) 16:25 19 Years ago Address
쌍꺼플쪽에 살이 톡튀어나와요.ㅜ_ㅠ 우째요~ 저도 자꾸 신경쓰여요.ㅡ_ㅜ
그린그린 2005-02-01 (화) 18:56 19 Years ago Address
저두 풀 사용하다가 매몰한지 2주인데 눈 뜨면 라인사이로 살이 숙들어가는 것이 이런게 처진살인가 싶구... 라인두 찐해보이구 ㅠ.ㅠ
이뻐진그녀, 2005-02-02 (수) 14:21 19 Years ago Address
나두 풀애용,,,, 그래서 살이 처져서 난 완절했는데-ㅅ-;; 아직은 나도 좀 들어가보임.. 붓기빠지면 될듯,,, 아이크림 발라봤는데 눈에 붓기때문에 눈에 들어갈 위험있어요,
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