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Eyelid job

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Incision + eye line + forehead lift + double eyelid surgery

봉갱잉 2012-02-23 (목) 21:03 12 Years ago 7032

It's been 2 months now. When I got my double eyelid surgery, I asked them to make the line visible instead of using an inner double eyelid. My double eyelid line seems large for a man. The swelling seems to have gone down, but will the line get thinner?? Or should I get another surgery? When can I get another surgery?

Comment 7
봉갱잉 Writer 2012-02-23 (목) 21:05 12 Years ago Address
And are my eyes outlined? In-out??/? I asked for it to be in-out, but the line starts on the outside ㅜㅜ Ah, I want to die;;
우울한공쥬 2012-02-23 (목) 21:48 12 Years ago Address
It's an outline. It's not bad, but I don't think you like it. For men, double eyelids look natural and suit them well. Do you know which hospital it was at?
선데이 2012-02-24 (금) 09:08 12 Years ago Address
How do you do double eyelid surgery for men..;;; Men have pretty in-out lines.. They say that the swelling from the incision goes down for up to 6 months;; It would be better to wait a little longer and then decide on a second surgery..
레고머리 2012-02-26 (일) 09:57 12 Years ago Address
상상 2012-04-01 (일) 19:03 12 Years ago Address
더 얇아집니다.. 속쌍커풀 원치않아도 되시니까 기다리세요..
니아 2012-05-16 (수) 12:40 12 Years ago Address
잘생기고 눈 예쁘심. 태희님 동생 이완같음. 축구하세요.
성괴남남 2016-09-01 (목) 19:56 8 Years ago Address
저랑 비슷하시네요..혹시 하셨다면 후기가 궁금해요
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