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[Breast Enlargement]

[Breast Enlargement] 2 weeks of Motiva I am writing a warm review on ㄴㅌ

마조리카a 2024-02-05 (월) 22:18 9 Months ago 5156
14 days

Hello Yes, it 's been 2 weeks and I'm here to write a review. First of all, my specs are 167/62 and I put a Motiva 380cc in the bottom. I don't remember the chest room and such. Anyway, my chest was very stressed since I was young, so I put it off and finally did it now. I did it this time because I thought wedding photos would last a lifetime, so I thought it would be better now. So I made up my mind and scheduled the surgery within a week. I didn't go into plastic surgery just because I wanted to sell it. 1. All the patients had similar breast shapes. 2. The doctor had proven skills. 2. I checked whether there was CCTV, good follow-up care, and good facilities . I did it at ㄴㅌ. I had the surgery done by the director and was completely satisfied..ㅠㅠ I was worried that I had decided too quickly, but the surgery went so well that I am completely satisfied. I still have to wait and see how it progresses, but it went really well. A few days ago, I saw an article saying that Photoshop is not a joke, and it's not Photoshop, it really looks like that haha. That's the shape of my breasts right now. The shape is pretty, the price is good, and the facilities are so good that if my friend does it, I'd totally recommend it~~ And the swelling went down and my breasts looked great. I'm already sad that the size has become smaller..ㅠ If you're wondering whether to go big or small, go for the big one!! I think, for example, if you have 380cc or 420cc, the swelling will go down and it will settle into a size in between. I will write another review in a month. I hope it was helpful~~

Comment 17
판다바오 2024-02-06 (화) 03:03 9 Months ago Address
62?? Is it weight or girth?
마조리카a Writer 2024-02-06 (화) 08:18 9 Months ago Address
It's my weight haha. I don't remember the bottom circumference.
체리퓨딩 2024-02-06 (화) 14:44 9 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
마조리카a Writer 2024-02-06 (화) 20:27 9 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
콘지야 2024-02-06 (화) 15:16 9 Months ago Address
Wow, I’m jealous.. 2 weeks..
소랸 2024-02-06 (화) 22:54 9 Months ago Address
It's natural. I want to post a review quickly. Did you do it as usual? I also had it done at ㄴㅌ, but I was wondering if they were applying scar ointment.
마조리카a Writer 2024-02-06 (화) 23:04 9 Months ago Address
I made a mistake!! I haven't received the scar ointment yet, but I bought a regenerative ointment cream and applied it when I went for the first week of treatment haha.
딸기우유쉐이크 2024-02-07 (수) 05:11 9 Months ago Address
It turned out beautifully!
마조리카a Writer 2024-02-07 (수) 21:36 9 Months ago Address
Thanks for the comment><
겁쟁이푸우 2024-02-07 (수) 21:11 9 Months ago Address
It's been 2 weeks and you're already so pretty.
마조리카a Writer 2024-02-07 (수) 21:38 9 Months ago Address
앗,, 뷰끄 고마워 예사야ꈍ◡ꈍ
야호야호9 2024-02-08 (목) 13:53 9 Months ago Address
축하해 넘이쁜ㅣㅇㅎㅎ
장장장장ㄴ 2024-02-14 (수) 19:40 9 Months ago Address
와 진짜 잘도ㅒㅅ다 축하해
겸이럽 2024-02-15 (목) 17:06 9 Months ago Address
ㄴㅌ는 모양이 진짜 예쁜거같애
스탠바니 2024-03-12 (화) 03:38 8 Months ago Address
비용 문의드려요
블루버터플라이 2024-03-27 (수) 02:19 8 Months ago Address
유오53 2024-03-28 (목) 08:58 8 Months ago Address
나도 내일 노트에서 수술하는데,,, 넘떨려ㅜㅜ
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