Now that it's been 3 months, I feel like my skin has completely loosened up,
but I'm not sure if you can see it in the photos.
Maybe it's because I didn't put it in too big so it loosened up quickly haha (it's a B size)
It was a hassle to go for follow-up care as the weather got colder, but
it's Caps again and after receiving care, it feels like it's definitely loosening up,
so I don't think I can quit it haha.
It's been a month of chaotic adjustment,
but I've gotten better in the second month, and
the third month. From now on, I have adapted perfectly to my daily life.
I have been sleeping well and slowly starting to exercise.
As the months have passed without any major limitations,
the implants that felt heavy no longer feel burdensome, but feel like my own
, and I am only satisfied when I wear them haha.
These days, when I wear thin knits, my lines stand out. I really like it ㅠ