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[Breast Enlargement]

Review of breast fat transplant from Globi

치즈굴 2023-08-21 (월) 16:08 1 Years ago 2488
남상재 대표원장
400 만원
14 days

I had liposuction on my abdomen and two arms and put it into my chest. After the surgery, I only felt stiffness like muscle pain, and it didn't hurt as much as I thought when I went about my daily life, but it was a little uncomfortable when it came to things like walking fast to take public transportation, but it was about the 3rd or 4th day. It got better. Wearing compression garments was a bit difficult because I had liposuction on my arms, but once I got the hang of putting them on and taking them off, it got better. After the surgery, I had bruises  like I did playing volleyball for the first three hours, but after two weeks, the bruises have almost disappeared. There is only a little bit left on the upper part of the elbow and the straight part of the abdomen. The area after liposuction is a bit hard, but they say time can only resolve this, so I think it will be fine once that part softens a bit. The fat director also said the breasts should be well balanced. It looks pretty and I am very satisfied with it. It has grown by about a cup, but I hope the swelling is gone. I have to leave it alone for a month without being able to massage my breasts, so I'm being cautious.
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Comment 6
지우개처럼 2023-08-21 (월) 16:20 1 Years ago Address
The volume came out perfectly.
류하하 2023-08-21 (월) 17:03 1 Years ago Address
Wow, so pretty
힌동이 2023-08-21 (월) 17:16 1 Years ago Address
It's not that small, but after doing it, it looks more voluminous and prettier!??
두유0498 2023-08-21 (월) 22:29 1 Years ago Address
It's pretty
도로롱동 2023-08-22 (화) 20:32 1 Years ago Address
It's so pretty. I'm currently looking into fat grafting, so I'll have to add it to my list of consultations.
다사용 2023-09-09 (토) 10:28 1 Years ago Address
Why did you do this when you have so many assets? I did it and the pictures turned out really pretty. I'm jealous~~~!!! I'm also really worried about getting implants and fat grafting, but for similar money, should I get implants or implants that won't go away even if I lose weight? Can I get some information about the hospital ?
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