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Boom job

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[Breast Enlargement]

I am quite satisfied.

seesnep 2023-07-24 (월) 00:12 11 Months ago 1325
800 만원
365 days
My original breast size was 80c, and after two years of breastfeeding, my breasts disappeared along with dieting. I could tolerate not having breasts, but the most difficult thing was the sagging breasts caused by using a breast pump and breastfeeding, which left me feeling deeply depressed. Then, I went from Ua to both 315cc Motiva models, and I ended up with a body as beautiful as a picture. My family is all satisfied and I can't tell you how much more confident I feel when I wear clothes. My ability to wear underwear and my relationship as a couple have improved so much. I'm old, but I've also heard that I'm sexy. I am really satisfied.

Comment 12
키위새나무 2023-07-24 (월) 00:19 11 Months ago Address
Congratulations on your successful surgery and that you are satisfied!! You must have had a hard time recovering, but now only happy things remain haha.
미나공주 2023-07-24 (월) 13:22 11 Months ago Address
사진있으면 더 좋았을텐데 ㅎㅎ 나도 모티바로 알아보고있거든..ㅠㅠ
미려찡 2023-07-24 (월) 14:21 11 Months ago Address
마져...볼륨하나만 있어도 자신감 뿜뿜이야
봄봄가을 2023-07-24 (월) 14:37 11 Months ago Address
만족한다니 다행이야 ㅎㅎ
메라니ㅣ 2023-07-24 (월) 20:31 11 Months ago Address
잘되셨다니 궁금하네용!
담총이 2023-07-25 (화) 15:28 11 Months ago Address
삶의 만족도가 올라갈거 같앙
마우지 2023-07-31 (월) 22:55 10 Months ago Address
315cc면 자연스럽고 적당하게 예쁠것 같아요 후기 보니 저도 어서 상담 받으러 가보고 싶네요 ! 우아 어느 원장님께 받으셨을까요?
seesnep Writer 2023-08-03 (목) 09:36 10 Months ago Address
ㄱㅇㅈ 대표원장님요^^
백나리 2023-08-02 (수) 00:49 10 Months ago Address
수술 잘되셨다니 축하드려요! 저도 ㅇㅇ예약 했는데 이런 후기 볼때마다 제가 다 설레네요
Djsk 2023-08-02 (수) 01:08 10 Months ago Address
저도 보형물 생각보다 작게 추천해주셔서 고민했었는데 ㄱㅇㅈ 원장님 추천대로 한게 딱 베스트인것 같아요! 저도 만족중이예요
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
hey7 2023-08-03 (목) 03:21 10 Months ago Address
속옷사는 재미가 있을것 같아요!! 우아 말고 다른곳 상담 가보신곳 있을까요?
seesnep Writer 2023-08-03 (목) 09:37 10 Months ago Address
ㄴㄴ, ㄴㅌ,  ㅂㅂ이요~~
병원 선택 이유는
부작용시 전적으로 책임지고  해결해주려는 의지가 있을 것 같은 의사 마인드를 우선으로 했어요.
실력은 기본이고요
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