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It's been 4 days with saline navel -.-

kinky 2010-04-19 (월) 21:20 14 Years ago 2746
Ah.. I really thought about it, but I did it with saline navel . I put 225 on one side and 230 on the other side because the ribs were even, so one side was a bit smaller . The doctor asked me to make it a little smaller these days, so my doctor recommended that I usually use a c cup these days, but I said not to make it too big, so I just put 225,230 and it 's a little bigger than a normal a cup -. My chest is definitely smaller than on the left. I thought it was going to burst and I was nervous. I went to the hospital today to take off the compression bandage and get a correction bra. But they said that they lifted the bandage and checked the chest room, but fortunately it didn't seem to burst TT.TT But it's definitely on the left My breasts are shrinking. I'm satisfied because I have breasts that I didn't usually have . TT.TT They tell me to start a massage that lifts me up from the sand I'm going to give, but I'm scared TT.TT The pain is painful, but I'm getting goosebumps . I have a question here, but maybe a little saline Do you still have leaks? I definitely felt something leaking from my right breast, but I'm afraid I'm afraid it will burst, so I won't be able to massage properly. At the hospital, they say that your chest goes out all at once when you have a vector , but that's not the case . Yes, and there are people who use correction bras, but the bra I'm doing right now is a bra that has absolutely no compression function except for wires and only lace. Is it okay to just do this? And my heart is already sore. When do I start massaging? So please give me a lot of answers

Comment 6
gwlswls 2010-04-19 (월) 22:16 14 Years ago Address
식염수 시간지나면 조금씩 새나가는걸로알고있어여 ....저번에 상담시에선생님이말씀해주신 내용이에여 ..안샌다고하시는분도계시겠지만 살면서 조금씩은 세어나간데요그래서 크기가 나중에 줄어서 재수술하시는분들도있구요 ..
그렇다고 코젤대비해서 ...식염이 나쁘다는건 아닙니다 ..아직안전성에선 식염은 터져도 문제될게없다는 장점이있고요 ...
그런내용은 병원에 수술전에 상담받으실때물었어야 하는기초적인 사항으로 보여져요~
모쪼록 수술하자마자 새어나오거나 터지거나할 확률은 적다고봐요
수술한지 얼마 안되신거라면 일반브라 착용보단 가슴자리잡을때까진 압박브라나 ...압박붕대로 고정하시고 지내셔도좋을듯해요
지금수술한지 얼마안되셔서 ...막 불편하고 이물감 느껴지시고 그러겠지만
그런점은 시간이 지나면 차차 나아지는부분이니 염려하지마시구요
마사지열심히해주세요 ...
2010-04-20 (화) 10:59 14 Years ago Address
병원어디신가요? 제가 예약 잡은 병원같은느낌인데...저도 식염배꼽으로 수술예정이거든요...5월말이라...내용물은 바꾸면 되겠지만...코젤로하냐 식염으로하냐 가장 큰 고민이네요...
2010-04-20 (화) 11:00 14 Years ago Address
아 참고로 저는 c컵 말씀드렸어요 이왕이면 큰게 좋을것 같아서...ㅋㅋ
이쁘단말..좋잖아~ 2010-04-22 (목) 23:09 14 Years ago Address
식염수는 (무조건)시간일 지날수록 샙니다
그래서 봉지(?)가 쭈굴거리는 현상이 많이 나타나서 가슴살에 식염수팩이 만져짐.!! 결국은 코젤로 재수술한 사람 많이 봤어요..
뭐.. 전부그런건 아니지만요..
못생긴감자 2010-04-23 (금) 02:23 14 Years ago Address
수술한지 얼마안되서 박리시켜놨던부분에 체액이생기는데 몸에 흡수되는소리인듯합니다. 저도 배꼽식염수했는데 그런느낌있었고요 4-5일지나면 없어져요
넘작게하신것같은데요 ^^::글고 무엇보다 안전이 최고죠~
kinky Writer 2010-04-23 (금) 22:03 14 Years ago Address
ㅅㅇ에서 했구요 ,모양이나 사이즈는 대체로 만족인데 ㅜ.ㅜ 사이즈 양쪽이 정말 눈에띄게 달라고 낼 실밥 풀르러 가면서 상담해보려구요 ㅜ.ㅜ

아직은 백만져 진다거나 그런건없구요, 맛사지하고 자도 일어나면 딴딴해지고 몸에 좀 약간의 통증은있어요~ 답변들 감사해욧
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