What's wrong with you? Is it okay... because the swelling continues to go down, underwear is a little worn out. I said I would look after it. When did you start smoking? Sorry for asking so many questions.
How many cups did you ask for before the surgery? I think it was about a d cup!?
How many ccs did you have? Why are you trying to check with an ultrasound..?
하라맘Writer2023-07-04 (화) 01:131 Years ago
After worrying about the grass, I left it to the D and said it was okay.. haha 425! It looks a bit small when you actually look at it. I wanted to check if the chopper was in the right place.. I saw other people checking for 3-gallon and 6-gallon cars, so I was curious too!?
헬레나k2023-07-04 (화) 01:151 Years ago
In fact, it seems like I just started smoking after a month... It's been 10 years, but there are no side effects.
하라맘Writer2023-07-04 (화) 01:171 Years ago
오오..!!!!혹시 브라는 어떻게 햇어??브이핏은 끈이 넓어서 여름옷을 못입겟어ㅠㅠㅠ병원에선 6갤 입으라는대 다른사람들은 다 다른거입던대..ㅠㅠ
헬레나k2023-07-04 (화) 01:261 Years ago
잘 기억이 안나네 넘 오래돼서 ㅠㅠ 걍 스포츠브라 입다가 3갤 지나서 일반브라 햇던걸로 기억해!! 이제 재수술 예정이야 나는 ㅜㅜㅎㅎ
하라맘Writer2023-07-04 (화) 01:321 Years ago
3갤동안 입어야 대는거면 어차피 여름이 지니네ㅠㅠㅎㅎ재수 이유 물어봐도댕..?ㅠㅠ
헬레나k2023-07-04 (화) 01:421 Years ago
없다가 생겨서 첫수술엔 구형구축이나 다른 부작용 없는거에만 만족했는데 지금은 가슴과 가슴 사이가 좀 먼거랑 크기 촉감 다 아쉬워서ㅠㅠ