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[Breast Enlargement]

If it is AA, will you regret it if you set it to 270?

구주네 2023-02-03 (금) 22:17 1 Years ago 1459
I wanted something as natural as possible,,, I tried on 270 corrective underwear, and it seems like the size I want, but will I regret it if I put it too small?

Comment 11
나익히굳굳 2023-02-03 (금) 22:24 1 Years ago Address
I also wanted something natural, so I was worried about the size. So I trusted the doctor and got a recommendation.
김냐옹 2023-02-03 (금) 23:00 1 Years ago Address
If you put it big, you will definitely have something to regret because it will be obvious again! If what you are looking for is natural, I recommend adding less! What if you don't have to pay a tee?!
33031 2023-02-03 (금) 23:18 1 Years ago Address
CC is really meaningless, and the proportions of your body type.. I put 270, but there are people who are very tall, and I put in a large cc, but there are many people who don't look big in their breasts but look big. Be sure to consult with several doctors.
양윤코가 2023-02-03 (금) 23:46 1 Years ago Address
요새 다들 크게 하는 추센데, 크게 하면 초반에만 자신감 뿜뿜이고- 시간지나면 몸 힘들고 부담스러워서 재수하는사람 많은것 같더라구, 나도 자연스럽게 과하지않게 넣으려고!
나초링 2023-02-05 (일) 07:42 1 Years ago Address
크면 몸에 무리올 것 같아 나도 그정도할 생각이야 ㅠㅜ 욕심 내지 말고 오래 보는것 추천 !!
SooRyun 2023-02-05 (일) 14:14 1 Years ago Address
흉곽작음 보통 275 넣든데
이십사도 2023-02-06 (월) 13:14 1 Years ago Address
체격이 어케 되는데?!
안아앙 2023-02-07 (화) 01:28 1 Years ago Address
나 aaa엿는데 300으로 넣엇는데 그렇게 크진 않아 ! 딱적당해 내 흉곽이 좀 넓어서 그럴수도잇구
요잇블루 2023-02-14 (화) 02:58 1 Years ago Address
피부 늘어나는정도? 따라서 최대한 넣어.... 이게 생각보다 안 크게 나와서 나도 후회 중이ㅑㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠㅡㅠ
도토리둘 2023-02-14 (화) 23:38 1 Years ago Address
체격봐서 추천받는게 젤 좋지않을까
난 병원마다 비슷비슷하게 추천하시더라고
어쩌아궁 2023-07-20 (목) 14:12 1 Years ago Address
살성이나 흉곽 사이즈에 따라 달라질거갘은데 상담 함 받아봐 !
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