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[Breast Enlargement]

Review on the day of breast surgery (Mentosmus)

꿀벌이윙윙 2023-01-18 (수) 11:16 1 Years ago 2359
- Type of implant: Mentor Smooth High Left 350cc, O 375cc - Size and specifications before surgery: AAA cup, no existing assets, height 160, 46kg, chest size 12cm - Desired size: full C-D cup - Incision: Original lower leg My breasts, which were also A cups, changed to AAA cups after giving birth and breastfeeding, and I felt embarrassed. I'm a working mom, so I don't have time to do anything, and I sold my hands at cafes and apps for several months. There was only one head of breast surgery, so I didn't have any worries, and I trusted him because he said that only 3 people operate in a day. On the same day , 1.13, it was the first surgery at 10:00, so after fasting, I came to the hospital by 9:00 am, changed clothes, washed my face, gargled, took pictures, met the director and director, sketched the design on my chest, took another picture, and went into the operating room. I lay down, put the needle in, and the anesthesiologist came in and put me to sleep. I fell asleep right away. The last time I saw the operating room clock with my own eyes was 10:40. When I woke up in a dream, I was in the recovery room. When I fell asleep, I was told that recovery was slow . ☆Pain☆ I didn't have any thoughts or tension, and it hurt more than I thought, maybe because I read so many posts about my heart not hurting in the latter days. It was difficult for her to get up and close the car door by herself. The chest was more difficult than the surgical area because of the stuffy feeling of the upper band. I gave birth by caesarean section, but it was more painful than that. I ate porridge, took medicine, and lay down on the recliner sofa, then I made a cushion and pillow on the bed and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle because it was uncomfortable, but it wasn't painful.

Comment 7
ssss9832 2023-01-18 (수) 15:21 1 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠ 다행이엥ㅅ
고양이골골송 2023-01-18 (수) 15:41 1 Years ago Address
오 그래도 통증은 견딜만한가보다
닉미라 2023-01-18 (수) 16:45 1 Years ago Address
회복 잘되시길 바랄게요~
치리아라 2023-01-18 (수) 19:39 1 Years ago Address
다행이네 살성이 좋거나 수술이 잘된거 같아
또미온니 2023-01-18 (수) 20:18 1 Years ago Address
33031 2023-01-19 (목) 20:10 1 Years ago Address
웃으면 안되는데 출산보다 덜 아픔에서 웃었어 ㅋㅋ
그과자내껀데왜니입에… 2023-01-31 (화) 20:41 1 Years ago Address
우와.. 지금은 또 어떻게 됬을지 궁금하다… 회복 잘 됬어? 어때? 밑절이면 흉터는 어땨??
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