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[Breast Enlargement]

Day 1 of breast surgery

띤디 2022-12-31 (토) 05:36 1 Years ago 1168
It was said that it was a 12:00 surgery, so I went around 11:00, but the operation time was delayed by 2 and a half hours . It really hurt so bad ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Should I say it's like otherworldly pain... The nurse gave me painkillers and the pain didn't go away ㅠㅠ So I cried . Shortly after the injection was inserted, the pain definitely got better . From then on, I felt like I was going to live for a while. I came out of the recovery room around 7pm, changed clothes, listened to the additional explanation, took a taxi and came home. I took medicine, I took medicine, so I got sleepy again, so I sat on the bed, slept, woke up, and repeated endlessly. Then, some people said that I slept in a massage chair, but it was more comfortable than a bed . Sleep hahaha I rather slept soundly. / 400cc / Mentor

Comment 11
유나비 2022-12-31 (토) 19:05 1 Years ago Address
꼬꼬꼬야 2023-01-01 (일) 22:16 1 Years ago Address
첫날에 누워서 꿀잠이라니 다행이당
컬러드 2023-01-02 (월) 11:24 1 Years ago Address
오대박부럽다 ㅜㅜ 어디서 했엉? 회복잘해!!!
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
nayana187 2023-01-02 (월) 13:25 1 Years ago Address
우왕 부럽다..나는 계속 글만 보면서 부러워만 하는중…나도 해야하는데..
포동이찡 2023-01-05 (목) 15:58 1 Years ago Address
짓짜몸바들바들바들 떨려서저도죽는줄..
eoqkrskwk 2023-01-06 (금) 10:46 1 Years ago Address
찐후기공유 고마워ㅜㅜ
보라푸딩 2023-01-06 (금) 11:49 1 Years ago Address
나는 모티바 겨절로 1월3일에 수술했는데
무통주사덕에 하나도 안아팠다는~~~
지금은 수술한지 3일째이공~~계속 지켜보는 중
Wojenf 2023-01-07 (토) 13:52 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
33031 2023-01-15 (일) 20:30 1 Years ago Address
아니 간호사들 진통제가 제대로 들어가는지도 확인을 안해?ㅠㅠ 오들오들 떨었다니 너무 맴찢이네ㅠ고생했어
히딱구리 2023-01-24 (화) 21:34 1 Years ago Address
통증이 케바케라서 진짜 무섭네요 무통당첨만 간절히 바라고있는 1인,, 누워서 자고 일어날때 안힘드세요? ㅠㅠ
여린 2023-02-13 (월) 15:50 1 Years ago Address
멘토 스무스인가요 충전율100엑스트라인가요
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