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[Breast Enlargement]

One year after breast surgery review

수민24 2022-10-04 (화) 03:43 1 Years ago 2404
750 만원
360 days
I went from a triple A cup to a 65E cup. I used Mentor Extra for the implants. They recommended natural breasts, so I don't remember exactly, but I put in 270cc(?). At the time of the consultation, I wanted to make it bigger, but I think it was a good decision to go with the size the director recommended. At that time, other hospitals recommended 330cc, but if they had, I would have looked really swollen. First of all, the hospital looks a bit run-down, so it may be hard to trust, but everyone working there, including the director, is really kind. Director Park Jin-seok called me on the evening of the surgery to check my condition and told me to call him in the morning if it hurt too much, which was very reassuring! The best part was that there was no cost after the surgery. They gave me ointments and such according to the scar recovery cycle, and I could see the laser and ultrasound for free at any time, which was great! Motiva implants are popular, but when I touched them, I felt that Mentor Extra was softer, and I wanted something softer, so I went with Mentor. I have no regrets about choosing the implants, and men didn't even know I had the surgery until they told me …

Comment 20
아니올시다 2022-10-04 (화) 14:02 1 Years ago Address
다른 수술도 그렇고 특히 가슴수술은 사이즈 욕심부리면 오히려 부해보이기도 하던데 ㅎㅎ과하지 않은 적당함+관리 잘해주는곳이 최고인거 같긴 해요 고생하셨어요
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
공일01 2022-10-06 (목) 13:27 1 Years ago Address
축하해! 말안하면 모른다니!!
Fjsncud 2023-01-07 (토) 03:00 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
유주초바비 2022-10-10 (월) 16:37 1 Years ago Address
말안하면 모르는 ㅠㅠㅜ 부럽다
멍멍멍야옹냥 2022-10-18 (화) 22:36 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
수민24 Writer 2022-10-22 (토) 03:09 1 Years ago Address
고주파나 살성 풀리게 하는건 없음! 근데 나는 필요성을 못느꼈어!
수민24 Writer 2022-10-22 (토) 03:09 1 Years ago Address
굳이 그런거 안받아도 충분히 자연스럽고 촉감 만족스럽게 잘 되었어서
밀크티홍차 2022-11-10 (목) 22:35 1 Years ago Address
와 after서비스도 확실하네요 혹시 병원 정보 알수있을까요?
수민24 Writer 2022-11-25 (금) 17:28 1 Years ago Address
글에 작성되어있습니다 박진석 성형외과영
뭉돌프 2022-12-04 (일) 04:12 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
캬라몔 2023-01-10 (화) 23:06 1 Years ago Address
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ병원 후져보인다는게 왤케 웃기지ㅋㅋㅋ
여기 상담꼭가봐야겠다
기기기린 2023-01-13 (금) 19:23 1 Years ago Address
너무 고마워! 도움되었어ㅎㅎ
ㅅㅎㅅㅎ 2023-01-14 (토) 19:07 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
성모사 2023-01-16 (월) 18:03 1 Years ago Address
박진석 원장님은 인터넷보니까 밑절 근막하를 많이 추천해주시던데 밑절로 하셨를까용? 겨절로 한다고하면 거부하실까요?
Fjsncud 2023-01-22 (일) 18:58 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
짬짬봉 2023-02-15 (수) 23:54 1 Years ago Address
혹시 지금 촉감은 어떤지 말해줄 수 있을까!? 나도 모티브 멘엑 고민중이라서ㅠㅠ
마운트스톤 2023-03-14 (화) 05:58 1 Years ago Address
혹시 흉터 관리나 치료는 어떠케 하고 있어? 병원에소 시술해줘?
나초링 2023-04-25 (화) 22:02 1 Years ago Address
혹시 첨에 좀 자산이 잇었던건 아니야? 아예 없는 가슴에서 했는데 남친이 모를정도라니 대박이야
게스트123 2023-07-16 (일) 22:36 1 Years ago Address
부럽네요 촉감은 티안나나요? 밑절로 하신건지 궁금해요
글리스틴 2024-05-28 (화) 20:54 3 Months ago Address
혹시 근막하로했어??
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