It seemed like time wouldn't go by, but it's already been 2 weeks.
The first time I lay down in the
operating room
, where am I? As I woke up from general anesthesia, the feeling
of vomiting came over me again, where am I? Who
am I?
First of all, unlike other people here, I'm not just skinny ^^:;
At the time of surgery, the specs were 163 59 kg and 81 cm in chest circumference.
I don't have any basic assets.. After giving birth to three children and breastfeeding,
my triple A breasts sagged.
The children are in elementary school, and the youngest is in kindergarten.
I put in 360 390 because it's a pair of breasts..
Reading here, I think I put in a big size, but when I look at it, it's because my ribcage is so big... If
I wear a sports bra now, it's 75 C or 80 full b.
If you wear a dress, it doesn't look big
But when it comes to breasts, I really need to reduce the waist circumference and get rid of the fat on my arms to make it look like there are less rice cakes.
Now I feel the pressure that I shouldn't gain weight...
Certainly, when I don't have breasts, I don't feel refreshedly skinny
It really shrunk to 81->77,78.
I had surgery while on a diet, so I was on a diet, and I was strict about managing my diet.
After taking antibiotics for a week, I took potassium supplements to manage the swelling, and on the 10th day, I returned to my pre-surgery weight.
If you subtract the chest weight, you've lost a little more.
Now it's down to 58.
I've had my nose done twice with silicone once and twice with my own dermis, and I've also put an implant on my forehead
I'm a type of surgery ;)
My breasts have already softened a lot.
I wanted to share my experience with those who have undergone breast surgery, so the post was unnecessarily long ^^;;;