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[Breast Enlargement]

Underline Motiva 4th month record check!

공일01 2022-09-21 (수) 17:00 1 Years ago 1383

I think it is true that Motiva is definitely highly satisfied with the tactile feel. As the days go by, the tactile feel is softer~ I can feel it getting softer, and it feels like it is settling into my ribcage very well. Haha The full feeling... It's nice to look at and nice to touch~! If it's a bit inconvenient, it 's the sensory part, but I'm sure it's coming back slowly~ But when this will completely come back... it's a mystery to the human body, so I think I 'll have no choice but to wait . .. I have to wait slowly haha

Comment 16
꺅뀽이 2022-09-21 (수) 17:15 1 Years ago Address
Does it feel like mochi?... ㅜ It looks so pretty! Please give me information
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
공일01 Writer 2022-09-26 (월) 14:07 1 Years ago Address
Mochimochi. Thank you. I'll send you a note!
Oranccccc 2022-09-21 (수) 18:15 1 Years ago Address
How many seeds did you put in?
공일01 Writer 2022-09-26 (월) 14:08 1 Years ago Address
355 / 375 각각 다르게 넣었습니당!
ghdwldml 2022-09-22 (목) 11:07 1 Years ago Address
혹시 흉터연고 정보 알 수 있을까요?
공일01 Writer 2022-09-26 (월) 14:09 1 Years ago Address
ㅈ ㅓ 콘트라벡스 위주로 썼어요~!
로쒸 2022-09-23 (금) 12:38 1 Years ago Address
밑선 흉터 어떠세요? 몇cc 하셨나요 ??
공일01 Writer 2022-09-26 (월) 14:09 1 Years ago Address
355 / 375cc 각각 넣었구요! 볼륨을 얻는거 더 중요해서...그리고 가슴 밑이다 보니까 엄청 심각하게 저한텐 와닿진 않네요 ㅎㅎ 어느정도 붉은 선이 보이긴해요~ 꾸준히 관리하려고요~!
먼지털업 2022-09-28 (수) 08:41 1 Years ago Address
흉터 정도는 지금 어땡?
썰룡 2022-10-03 (월) 19:15 1 Years ago Address
이뻐요~ 잘되셨네요^^
haribbo 2022-10-06 (목) 22:07 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
공일01 Writer 2023-01-06 (금) 11:16 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
쭈쯔빈 2022-10-19 (수) 23:45 1 Years ago Address
진짜 자연스럽게 완전 예쁘다ㅜㅜ 멘토로고민하다가 모티바를 포기 못할거같은 후기 정보 부탁해용!!!
공일01 Writer 2023-01-06 (금) 11:16 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
너무미인 2022-11-12 (토) 23:40 1 Years ago Address
나도 병원정보랑 비용좀 ㅜ ㅜ
공일01 Writer 2023-01-06 (금) 11:15 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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