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Surgery (only ..2nd day ..) died and came back to life ㅠ

dsjh 2009-08-22 (토) 23:44 15 Years ago 4448
I had the surgery at 6pm on Thursday. It was originally 5, but the front surgery was delayed.. Anyway , I can't remember anything , and when I woke up, I was lying in bed ㅠㅠ My stomach was nauseous ㅠㅠ My mouth was dry from the nightmare ㅠㅠ I smell medicine and I want water, so I shouldn't eat it yet ㅠ Since 8 hours ago Because I was fasting, I starved all day ㅠㅠ I wanted to eat some porridge, so I asked for it, so it was 10 pm at that time ㅠㅠ All the doors were closed -_- And the nurse on duty who brought me the Kimbap Heaven menu @!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, anyway, I was disgusted, so I couldn't eat anything and just vomit gastric juice, and I spent the night with my eyes wide open. I took a taxi in the morning to go alone, so I couldn't do it, so I called my mom and told me to pick it up . ..ㅠ_ㅠ At that time.. I will never do plastic surgery again!!!!!!!!!!!! I told my mom lol I actually had 4 eyes and 3 noses, including revision surgery -_- Lately, I feel like I'm not liking my nose again, so I said I 'm going to fix my nose again.. I did my breasts first.. Anyway, I said I'd never do it again .. I think I'm going to buy it haha ​​Today, while looking in the mirror and touching my nose , my mom said: Do you think you're going to live now? --... Anyway.. I slept at my parents' house yesterday and came home today. I have two babies, the eldest is 5 years old.. The second is 9 months old.. I got married when I was 21.. Both of them are breastfeeding. .. and my breasts completely disappeared ㅠㅠ So I decided to have the surgery, but fortunately my husband told me to do it ... I accidentally went to a consultation this week and had the surgery right away this week ㅠㅠ I wanted to do it at ㅇㅇㅇㅇ ㅁ .. I got information from another club. Danny.. Almost all the same hospital.... Even now, I have some doubts that the members of the club are hospital-side brokers, but -_- I just did it because the price of Kozel was like the cheapest hospital . He had surgery, but it turned out to be 2 frames, but the size was 325. And now I think I'm going to buy some .. But the problem is that it's very itchy because I put a bandage on the corrective bra ㅠㅠ Again.. I can't feel it in my chest ㅠㅠ Is it all like this in the first place..??

Comment 13
gwlswls 2009-08-23 (일) 23:50 15 Years ago Address
325 엄청난 사이즈로하셨네요 ...통상적으로 다들 250 270만봐서 ...300넘게하신거면 키랑 신체조건이 그만큼 되시나보네요 ~
dsjh Writer 2009-08-24 (월) 09:05 15 Years ago Address
아 ..저 ..170에 57이에요 ..또 ..애 둘낳고 모유수유후 가슴처짐이 있어 살도 늘어나있어서 큰사이즈 넣을수 있다고 하시더라구요 ..흉통도 넓구요...
gwlswls 2009-08-24 (월) 22:45 15 Years ago Address
와 부러워요 ~전너무 깡말라서 사쥬때문에 고민이 이만저만이아닌데 ....키도 몸무게도 딱 좋으시네요 ~
담에 사진도올려주세요 ^^
novice 2009-08-24 (월) 23:11 15 Years ago Address
전 모유수유도 안했는데 가슴이 껌딱지에여..ㅠ.ㅠ
정보좀주세요.... 신랑이 거의 오케이라 얼른 해야할거같아서요
2009-08-25 (화) 05:36 15 Years ago Address
정보즘 꼭 부탁 드릴께여. 병원 비용 ㅋ
글구 좀 회복 되시믄... 후기 자세히 즘 올려주세여 기다릴께여~
레원 2009-08-25 (화) 11:36 15 Years ago Address
어느병원에서 했어요? 글구 가격은요?? 지금 어디서 할지 고민중이거든요...
2009-08-27 (목) 10:50 15 Years ago Address
바사라 2009-08-29 (토) 17:27 15 Years ago Address
저도 병원정보좀.... 같이 이뻐져요~~*^^*
하이염 2009-09-03 (목) 17:40 15 Years ago Address
우왕 고생하셧네영~~~처녀때하는것보다 차라리애기낳구모유수유한담에 하는게 맘편할것같기도해요 ㅠㅠ 정보좀부탁드려욥~~~
해바라긔 2009-09-07 (월) 17:57 15 Years ago Address
시간 지나면 괜찮아지실거에요 가슴관리잘하셔서 더 이뻐지세요^^
후니우니 2009-09-09 (수) 13:44 15 Years ago Address
Talon 2009-09-11 (금) 01:57 15 Years ago Address
우와..,.저도 애들이 젤 걱정이여요. 혹시 확 내게 덤빌까봐..ㅠ.ㅠ
병원 정보 좀 부탁드립니다..
채림맘 2009-09-22 (화) 19:07 15 Years ago Address
병원 정보 부탁드려요
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