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Motiva Day 3

Eden mom 2019-03-07 (목) 19:15 5 Years ago 3073
* 성형외과
On the first day, I kept vomiting because of general anesthesia. for headaches. I've been rooting for Motiva. It's been so hard for 3 days now. weightless chair. sofa. I brought a U-shaped pillow to sleep, but it was so hard that I slept in the car. The effect of the pressure bandage and the feeling of being more swollen the day after surgery.. I will remove the pressure bandage tomorrow, so can I live? Under the influence of real general anesthesia, I slept for three full days. The pain is throbbing. The blood bag is very short. For reference, I put in about 425 Motiva. I'm on the way and my chest pain is small... They usually put in about 370. I think Sam might put it in the pool. It's full when you decide the size for me!! I did this, but I wasn't sure so I asked again and he said that it wouldn't look great even if I did that. He is the teacher who always gives the answer at the end. A lot of foreigners come here, and most of all, it is a hospital where gospel songs and hymns flow. Even the teacher can't say it, but for some reason I believe it. Anyway, I look forward to getting prettier..^^ The pain is for a moment~

Comment 5
부비쟉 2019-03-07 (목) 19:25 5 Years ago Address
May I ask where the hospital is?
키미나키미나 2019-03-09 (토) 01:43 5 Years ago Address
혹시 이중평면으로 하셨어요?
딩딩둥 2019-03-21 (목) 15:25 5 Years ago Address
크게 넣으셨네요!! 흉곽이 넓으신가바요
깅찌혀니 2019-03-23 (토) 01:45 5 Years ago Address
400이상 넣으시는 분 첨 봤어요 좀 크게들어가서 통증이 더 있으신가봐요... 3일후면 살만하다고 하던데 ㅠㅠ 붕대 푸시고 얼른 살만해지시길 바래요 ㅠㅠ
김동글동글 2019-08-01 (목) 21:47 5 Years ago Address
저도 어제 모티바 425cc로 했는데, 저는 압박붕대나 피통은 없었어요. 다만 펑퍼짐하게 스포츠브라하고 가슴골은 하나도 없어서 이게 수술을 한건지 만건지 모르는 상태가 되었죠ㅠㅠ
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