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It's been 2 weeks since the 250cc Kogel texture!

에블 2012-08-08 (수) 17:18 12 Years ago 6233
I tend to have a chest. I think the bottom circumference is about 75~78, but I made it with Kozel texture 250cc. I desperately wanted to do a c-cup ... but I really wanted to do 275cc and 300cc ... I heard that during surgery, I put a 275cc Kogel bag in and took it out right away - -; My doctor said that 250cc is suitable for me. (To be precise, Allergan 253cc is ^^) It's been just 2 weeks since I had the surgery... I'm wearing a no-bra or wire-less bra. I haven't done the upper band of the correction bra since the beginning. On the 2nd day, the pain was removed, the pressure bandage was removed.. Since then, I've been living with a no bra & a sub bra~ There's no such thing as two lines. Under the chest!! Even if you look at it in the mirror and feel it with your hands, it fits perfectly hahaha The important thing is the touch . I think ^^ It's just about the firm breasts before menstruation? If you wear clothes, you can't see the surgery at all~ at all~.. There is no burden on the size.. Too natural But the problem!! There is an upper convex phenomenon..... Actually, I don't know if this is an upper convex or swelling after surgery. It 's only been 2 weeks.. It's said that it's convex.. It's said that it's because the Kogel Bag has moved and rises.. Even if I try to touch it somehow . The feeling of swollen muscles... What about those who have suffered from upper convexity? This feeling I'm feeling... is this convex? Or is it swelling that will come down naturally over time? ㅡ.ㅡ Ah... I'm sorry that I didn't have any pictures while I was looking for advice.

Comment 3
코만다섯번 2012-08-15 (수) 01:44 12 Years ago Address
저도 텍스쳐했는데 윗밴드는 4주정도 더 차고있으라고 하던데요.보형물이 위로 못올라오도록 해야한다고,
님도 윗밴드 차야하는 건 아닐까요?전 수술한지 아직1 주일됐어요.
도도핫티 2012-08-28 (화) 12:40 12 Years ago Address
저는.. 코젤 스무스 했는데... 윗밴드 역할이 보형물이 위로 못올라오게 해주는건데여.. 그래서.. 저도 한여름에 ㅜㅜ 낮엔 미착용 밤에 잘 땐 윗밴드 꼭 착용했었거든여.. 그래서 지금 수술한지 한달 지났는데 모양이 물방울 모양으로 잘 자리 잡고 있는중이며 윗볼록은 아직 없어여..
보정속옷도 3개월은 입어주는게 좋다구해서요.. 지금 스브라 입을 수 있긴 하지만.. 파인 옷 입을 때만 일주일에 한두번 정도 스브라 하구요..
보통 그냥 보정속옷 계속 입고 다녀요 ㅜ 밤에는 윗밴드 꼭 해주구 있는 상태구여 ㅜ
윤수기 2012-10-12 (금) 17:28 11 Years ago Address
답글을 달기 전에 글쓴이를 배려하는 마음을 가집시다.
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