I had my surgery
at the end of January, so two months have passed
. Actually, after that surgery, I almost went into depression.
First, the shape and
. The position of the nipples is also different , but in
the hospital, your breasts
are like that.
I never thought of the nipple position as being paired, and of course, I
did n't expect that
would be perfectly symmetrical.
It's like this.
It's only been 2 months, so
it can be corrected a bit more -
Hospitals and massage shops say it
's very stressful.
are going
for second size
breast surgery , don't say it
's in moderation.. Don't say it's in moderation.. You'll
regret it. Really
, put some stuff in anyway
. Why are you wearing this tee?
Of course , I know
's a joke, but
Don't be afraid to put it in.
It doesn't look that big!!
And lastly..
I had surgery on the areola, and I believed in one thing that it did
, but just because I did it with the areola doesn't mean my
came out pretty
. After
sleeping for a month, my heart hurts, so I woke up at 5am
and went to the living room and sat on the sofa and slept.
Later, the areola wounds opened up, and the areolas were
stitched up again, and my mom cried and the
areolas were scarred, so I couldn't even massage well - there are
a lot of things I didn't think of too much,
really . Go to a lot of places and
each doctor has a different
I want to turn back time these days