Maybe it's mulberry... If it's not mulberry, it's because there's a baby chick, isn't it small?
아츠Writer2011-02-23 (수) 01:2413 Years ago
I'm not really a pongee ㅜㅜ It's just a pad~ I didn't know what to do with what I was covering, so I posted a picture of me dressed like that. But am I a
new breast?
완전이뻐졌다!2011-02-23 (수) 11:1713 Years ago
You are very very pretty ㅠㅠ But what should you consider.. Even if you have the shape after surgery, you can't follow the natural birth or anything like that when you lie down... Think about it all before making a decision ^^
sotkfkd2011-02-23 (수) 14:5513 Years ago
저두 이만큼만됬어두 수술안햇을건데,,하지마세요~~
예비환자분2011-02-23 (수) 23:3113 Years ago
미투예요 ㅠ 부럽네요 이만큼이라도 있다는게 전 살쪄도 다른데로만 가고 빠지면 가슴만 빠져서 원상복구도 어렵네요 ㅠ