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The way to come after breast revision surgery

겁쟁이 2019-05-25 (토) 14:38 5 Years ago 2297
박진석 성형외과
I was worried about worry, but I got up right after the surgery in an hour and am walking around well. I had my first surgery with Park Jin-seok and I hope the shape came out so well that I was happy for 5 years.. It was a drop of water that I shouldn't have massaged, but recently I went to Thailand and got a massage for 10 days, and after that, it suddenly became sore . I put up with it because I didn't want to talk about it, so I ended up having another surgery. The hospital checkup didn't say that I needed a second surgery right away, but capsular contracture could get worse, so I decided to make a decision based on the progress. Rather than getting better again for a month, I was getting more and more sick and sick . Fortunately, the re-surgery went well and I was fine and comfortable enough to wonder if it could be like this... Teacher Park Jin-seok is always very good in personality and skills . Going.. He also made sure to take care of the aftercare. Every time I go, there are a lot of people who come for aftercare such as laser, injection, and ultrasound. I want to do something, but I leave a review like this. I was really scared of the reoperation, but I'm happy that it went well. I will live with a grateful heart.

Comment 6
goldie 2019-05-26 (일) 06:34 5 Years ago Address
I did it at the same place last month and now I'm very satisfied haha ​​Thai massage shouldn't have been done after surgery... Congratulations on the successful revision surgery!
치즈빙수 2019-05-28 (화) 16:26 5 Years ago Address
물방울 마사지하면 안되는거 처음알었네요
저도물방울할건데 조심해야겠어요ㅠ
올리브통 2019-06-05 (수) 01:52 5 Years ago Address
혹시 가격은 얼마였을까요? 재수술 알아보고 있거든요
Yasmin99 2019-06-12 (수) 08:34 5 Years ago Address
재수술은 첫수술보다 덜 아는가요?? 저도 비슷한경우로 재수술 고민중이예요. ㅠㅠ
Yasmin99 2019-06-12 (수) 08:35 5 Years ago Address
덜 아픈가요.? ㅠㅠ 오타가;; 
어디로 절개하셨어요?
트리벨 2020-06-14 (일) 09:57 4 Years ago Address
물방울은 왜 마사지하면 안되나요? 5년 지나도 엎드려서 등마사지 못하는건가요??ㅠ 저 다음주 수술하는데 다른 보형물도 엎드려서 마사지 못받을까요?
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