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[Breast Enlargement]

breast fat transplant

바리푸미 2024-05-21 (화) 12:30 1 Months ago 2093
500 만원
27 days

Breast Jii 3rd week review - As the swelling went down, the actual size decreased, but as the swelling from below the collarbone went down, my breasts looked more protruding, so I didn't feel like they had gotten smaller. I'm glad that the fat didn't come off and the swelling went down as much as I thought, but I still think I need to eat three meals a day for three months - When I touch it, the tightness and lumps are gone, so it just feels like my own breast (I felt a tingling sensation in my nipples after the surgery, but it's gone a lot). When applying lotion, just a little bit? I have a tingling sensation - I'm still not doing any exercise other than running and walking carefully when the traffic light blinks, but the swelling has all gone and the pain and discomfort are gone, so it's very comfortable. I think it's been like that for about two weeks. ah! I received Caps treatment during the 2nd week, and it took longer than I expected (about 40 minutes), so I slept well haha. I'm going to get my second Caps treatment next week.

Comment 6
징웅앵 2024-05-21 (화) 13:22 1 Months ago Address
Is there a second breast fat transplant?! I don't know... Is the harvested part mulberry?? So natural and pretty
미요222 2024-05-22 (수) 15:05 1 Months ago Address
I didn’t know fat grafting was possible.
cptl123 2024-05-22 (수) 19:48 1 Months ago Address
Do you mainly use thighs??? Where did you transplant it????
아잉슈페너 2024-05-29 (수) 17:35 1 Months ago Address
몇cc 넣었어?? 줄기새포로 했어?
jenni4l2x 2024-05-30 (목) 18:27 1 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
예이에오 2024-06-10 (월) 04:47 21 Days ago Address
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