I had breast surgery with Motiva implants!
It's been about 6 months, and now it's completely natural, but I can't believe winter is coming ㅠㅠㅠ I
hope summer comes quickly ㅠㅠㅠ
Going to the beach in a bikini was on my bucket list after surgery haha.
6 months after surgery, the feel of my breasts and nipples have returned, and the scars are so light they're barely visible!
And the incision area is not visible at all unless you lift it.
Overall, I am very satisfied.
If I had to pick a drawback, there is only one thing I noticed!
As my breasts get bigger, I have valleys and sometimes I get pimples in the middle of the valley hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha with sweatㅠㅠ
So clean? I bought a body mitt and took care of it, so it doesn't happen anymore! I am spraying it consistently.
The final opinion after 6 months is that the breast surgery is the best!