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[Breast Enlargement]

10 years of belly button surgery

미라클킴 2024-06-01 (토) 11:30 5 Months ago 2883
600 만원
It's already been over 10 years since I had breast surgery. Time flies. Back then, I was doing everything I could, but I'm still maintaining it in good shape. But, as I get older, my body sags, and the position of my breasts gradually goes down... haha ​​I'm looking for safety. I had it done with saline solution, but now that I think about it, I think I did a good job. It feels different, but I don't think I'm living with constant anxiety. I've heard a lot of people say that my breasts are beautiful after the surgery, but if I were born again, I wonder if I'd do it again... but I still had the surgery. I think it's the surgery with the highest level of satisfaction among the surgeries. My face looks really bad as time goes by.
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Comment 8
우누눙 2024-06-01 (토) 12:41 5 Months ago Address
Can surgery be done with saline solution???
미라클킴 Writer 2024-06-01 (토) 12:47 5 Months ago Address
Yes, at one place, they showed me both a saline pack and a silicone pack and asked me to compare the feel, but there was no difference in feel, so I chose the saline pack, and they said that saline packs are the only way to perform breast surgery using the belly button.
유리아2369 2024-06-03 (월) 09:08 5 Months ago Address
식염수가 낫지..난 식염수 아예 고려도 안해봤는데 실리콘 파열되고나니 식염수 만져나볼껄 싶네 제거병원 알아보는데 너무괴롭..
스트레스ㅜㅜ 2024-06-08 (토) 10:17 5 Months ago Address
식염수로 했을 때는 일반 보형물보다 부작용 적을까용???
미라클킴 Writer 2024-06-08 (토) 17:25 5 Months ago Address
아무래도 혹시 모를 사고로 터졌을때 식염수가 낫다고 판단했었오
요안나22 2024-06-10 (월) 03:27 5 Months ago Address
배꼽으로 식염수로도 하는구나 나는 처음알었어 ! 이렇게 하나씩 알아가는구나!
피카츄존1맛 2024-06-12 (수) 15:43 5 Months ago Address
식염수도 있구나... 확실히 부작용ㅇ면에 있어서는 낫겠다,,
소프라노희지 2024-08-21 (수) 14:33 3 Months ago Address
병원정보 부탁드려용
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