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[Breast Enlargement]

Mentor 400cc breast surgery 1 year January....

울링 2024-05-09 (목) 13:27 7 Months ago 10232

After seeing the doctor, I came here and wrote this review... It has settled down well without any problems, and now I don't have to worry about any special care or attention. Instead, I was told that it is better to check the ultrasound periodically, so I am happy that the masking has been removed. It has been a year since the breast surgery and I can feel it now. There's no need to say anything~ It's great because my chest is completely relaxed and my breasts move naturally when I exercise or move ! The scar is slightly visible, but it's on the bottom line so it's not noticeable  unless you look up the chest, so I don't worry about it. The director made the shape just like I wanted, a pretty breast that's as big as I wanted, but doesn't look foolish. Even though Mentor's 400cc is quite big. It doesn't look foolish at all, so it's rewarding and enjoyable to wear clothes! The director recognizes my skills!! Hahaha I just want to wear a bikini all summer!!!

Comment 30
미영이에게 2024-05-09 (목) 14:12 7 Months ago Address
The director's skills.. It's really no joke.. I wonder which director did it to!
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:17 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
영계백쑥 2024-05-10 (금) 09:56 7 Months ago Address
It went well naturally.. How long did it take?
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:17 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
뜨라님 2024-05-10 (금) 11:16 7 Months ago Address
The size and shape are just beautiful~~I’m jealous.
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:18 7 Months ago Address
Thank you~~~
에사엘 2024-05-10 (금) 14:08 7 Months ago Address
It's really pretty!! It's great. I wonder how many cups it comes out. Haha
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:21 7 Months ago Address
The swelling goes down and D comes out!
링꼬 2024-05-10 (금) 17:10 7 Months ago Address
Satisfaction is probably bad...
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:22 7 Months ago Address
I can't say it enoughㅠ
귀엄동이 2024-05-10 (금) 21:08 7 Months ago Address
I think the surgery went really well. I had a hard time.
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:22 7 Months ago Address
고마워! 가슴수술 초반이 고생이긴 하지 ㅠ
김김킴 2024-05-10 (금) 22:54 7 Months ago Address
진짜 잘됐다 축하해
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:22 7 Months ago Address
ㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣㅇ 2024-05-11 (토) 05:17 7 Months ago Address
넘이뿌게 잘됐다!! 이번 여름은 놀러갈 수 있는 곳 다 가버려 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㄷ
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:23 7 Months ago Address
비키니 입을 수 있는 곳은 다 가야지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
귀걸이 2024-05-12 (일) 16:43 7 Months ago Address
출렁임도 자연스러워?
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:24 7 Months ago Address
거대한 출렁거림을 처음 느껴 봐서... 이게 자연스러운건지 비교 대상이 없어서.. ㅎㅎㅎ
우ㅜ우 2024-05-12 (일) 20:36 7 Months ago Address
와 윗볼록 없고 진짜 자연스럽다 모양 짱예뻐
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:24 7 Months ago Address
JY졔졔 2024-05-12 (일) 22:38 7 Months ago Address
아무래도 몸 사진이다보니, 올리기 힘들었을텐데 ㅠㅠ 올려줘서 고마어!!ㅎㅎ 수술 후에 가슴 사이즈는 몇 정도 인지 물어봐도 될까아??
울링 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 11:25 7 Months ago Address
수술하고 초반에 붓기 어느정도 있을땐 E였는데 붓기 완전히 빠진 지금은 D나와!
Vunny 2024-05-14 (화) 06:31 7 Months ago Address
대박 자연스럽게 잘됬다 얼마였어??
쵸코숑이 2024-05-15 (수) 21:24 7 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
콩콩서 2024-05-15 (수) 22:53 7 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
everover 2024-05-18 (토) 02:47 6 Months ago Address
비용 알려줄수있나!!
해피해디 2024-05-20 (월) 01:36 6 Months ago Address
라인완전이뻐 내 워너비야.. 원장님 누군지 궁금해. 그리고 디에이 공장형이라는 글 봤는데 그부분에선 어떻게 느꼈는지도 궁금해
Hangover 2024-05-24 (금) 14:27 6 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
칠링비치 2024-05-27 (월) 19:28 6 Months ago Address
원장님 성함 알려주라ㅜㅜ 너무 많네 원장님이;;
나니용12 2024-07-20 (토) 13:07 4 Months ago Address
현재 흉터후기좀알수있을까요
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