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[Breast Enlargement]

Note Plastic Surgery Breast Surgery 1st Month Review

kyozyohyo 2024-06-08 (토) 11:47 20 Days ago 1565

Mentor Smooth Left - 375 Oh - 400 1st month review - Reasons for choosing Note Plastic Surgery 1. It was after visiting another hospital once, and the interior of the hospital was so good compared to that that my favorability increased 2. Unlike other hospitals, Director Younghee Lee, Director Seo-yoon Jang was comfortable and kind, without any pressure or pressure. 3. Above all, I chose this hospital's unique round shape because I like it - - Review after one month 1. When I take a shower or look in the mirror, this is how my chest feels. I keep seeing it out of satisfaction . 2. It has improved a lot with an occasional tingling sensation rather than a big pain until the 2nd week (I asked the director and he said that the tingling sensation can last for up to 6-1 years. 3. As expected, I go to get breast treatment and care every time. Every time I go, the director, manager, and therapists are all friendly, and the atmosphere of the hospital itself feels like a place to receive skin care therapy, so I feel at ease. 4. Gradually, I started to buy clothes with designs that I couldn't wear because of my breasts, so my choice of clothes expanded. Happiest!

Comment 6
유키티 2024-06-08 (토) 12:10 20 Days ago Address
Ôi nó đẹp quá
하키키 2024-06-08 (토) 16:32 20 Days ago Address
Hình dạng thực sự tốt.
하이댜 2024-06-09 (일) 15:19 19 Days ago Address
Wow.. Đường ngực cũng là đường cong nhưng đường eo của Ranma đẹp quá ㅠㅠWannabe.
뿡뿡빵이 2024-06-09 (일) 19:22 19 Days ago Address
Nó có kích cỡ bao hiêu? Đẹp quá ㅜㅜ
염라대왕 2024-06-10 (월) 12:55 18 Days ago Address
Wow, mới có một tháng thôi mà trông tự nhiên quá ㅠㅠ
달봉마마야 2024-06-11 (화) 12:55 17 Days ago Address
Sự khác biệt giữa ngực trên và dưới lớn đến mức nào!!
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