A girl with negative basic assets, a complete piece of gum...
The front and back are the same
. I've been living with triple AAAA for decades, but
it's been 5 months since I realized it
. These days, I feel like my heart was like it used to be. I'm living under an illusion haha.
I started lifting weights after about 3 months.
Even when I exercised with weights, I didn't feel any discomfort and it seemed like it was starting to settle down to some extent.
Until then, even though I applied ointment to the scar, I didn't feel like it was getting better, but
after about 3 months, the scar started to disappear. It is visible to the naked eye that the skin is starting to soften.
Even after 4 months, I can still see the upper bulge coming down slightly.
Is the skin firm? On the one hand, it hasn't cleared up much yet, but
I am glad that I can feel it continuing to improve. I
hope more time passes quickly.