About 3 years ago,
I started with 300 units and
received 2 additional doses of 200 units at monthly intervals <- Please keep this in mind because I was receiving too much treatment.
I saw great results after 3 months.
Haha . Since then, I have been receiving the treatment regularly once a year.
It seems like it's inevitable that compensatory muscles will develop...
Up until now, I've been getting treatment at the factory, but
now that I'm looking at compensatory muscles,
I'm planning to go to a place with a specialist and
get treatment at a place that takes a closer look at my legs.
I'm 158/47. I'm not that
skinny, but I've never been told that I gained weight...
My calves are thicker than just above my knees, so I'm someone who couldn't even wear skirts or shoes, so I think I've seen a lot of
results .
I wasn't very satisfied.
I only recommend it to people who are objectively muscular.
When the drug goes in, won't I be able to stand up and walk? It's so painful.
But I'm still satisfied and will continue to take it.>