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Tomorrow's arm lift

여리팔뚝 2019-02-13 (수) 09:53 5 Years ago 1213
I've had a complex about my flabby arms since I was young, but I decided to get liposuction before I get married. My concerns right now are 1. Whether general anesthesia is dangerous even if there is no anesthesiologist on duty. (I think even hospitals without anesthesiologists do it without worries ㅜ Is it just me who is scared? Actually, I've never had an endoscopy under general anesthesia before... So I don't know even more. Also, do places without anesthesiologists have emergency medicine or tools ready in case of an emergency?) I'm so worried ㅜㅜ 2. They say my arms don't have elasticity, so do I not have to wear compression garments? (This hospital says compression garments are not necessary.) 3. Are people without elasticity in their arms more prone to side effects   (bumps, pigmentation, etc.)

Comment 6
sw84 2019-02-13 (수) 10:44 5 Years ago Address
I had thigh surgery and was under general anesthesia at a hospital without an anesthesia department. I was really, really worried about the anesthesia. The day before the surgery, I was more worried about not being able to wake up from the anesthesia than the surgery itself. But I woke up fine in the end. I think it's natural to be worried now!! I hope the surgery goes well!
여리팔뚝 Writer 2019-02-13 (수) 10:47 5 Years ago Address
Thank you so much ㅜㅜ It really comforts me. Thank you so much ^.^
kaws84 2019-02-13 (수) 11:08 5 Years ago Address
[@Yeori Paltuk] ^^Don't be too nervous! It'll be okay.
츈츈 2019-02-24 (일) 17:59 5 Years ago Address
You must have had a lot of worries, thank you for your hard work!
웰니수 2019-04-10 (수) 21:55 5 Years ago Address
You've worked hard..! How is your recovery?ㅜㅜ
하늘쨔응 2019-04-13 (토) 21:25 5 Years ago Address
I'm also having it done in two weeks, but there's no anesthesiologist on site, and his doctor specializes in anesthesia too ㅜㅜㅜ
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