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Decreased elasticity of depression after liposuction

뚜루류루붑 2019-01-30 (수) 07:14 5 Years ago 6171

Don't do liposuction just because you're afraid. I think it's one of the most popular surgeries through brokers. There are a ton of reviews about the hospital I had surgery on, and almost everyone knows the name. It's famous for removing a lot of fat, and it has a lot of reviews, so I trusted it and had the surgery, and this is the price they wrote on the website for large-volume liposuction. You get double the amount of aftercare. It feels like a surgical factory. The recovery room is shared with every patient who just comes out. Every time you do aftercare, the therapist is different, and no matter who you look at, it's so bad... They say it's high frequency, but it's not hot, so you just apply gel and rub it cold a few times. Lastly , they say that when you get liposuction, you gain weight slower in the area where the surgery was performed. It's not slower, it's like you can see the cannula needle insertion mark. It's lumpy haha. Also, if you don't breathe, control your diet, or exercise, you'll gain weight right away. People who say you won't gain weight are the real bullshit. Even if you take it out, you'll wrinkle and even if you gain it, you'll wrinkle. Haha, if you look at the success stories of liposuction, no one is obese and loses elasticity well. Most people who have a thin waist but a round lower abdomen, those with skinny obesity, flab, or those without a lot of visceral fat are good at liposuction. Those who are concerned about liposuction are mostly obese and fleshy people. For those who are overweight, they lose elasticity and are prone to dents. Rather than spending a few hundred dollars to lose fat for a short period of time and get scars , I really recommend going on a camp diet, exercising, or adjusting the restaurant to lose weight. ㅠㅠㅜ You need to exercise to change your lines.. Even if you smoke, you absolutely have to control your diet and exercise. Really. Hey~~ If you’re not going to exercise for the rest of your life, don’t get the surgery. You’ll regret it. You’ll come back anyway.

Comment 26
따아 2019-02-01 (금) 03:13 5 Years ago Address
ㅠㅠㅠ그렇군요..... 저희 어머니 지흡하고싶다고 하시던데ㅠ 말려야겟네요
뚜루류루붑 Writer 2019-02-01 (금) 13:15 5 Years ago Address
[@따아] 어머니면 더더욱 무조건 말리세요 ㅠ
지영맘 2022-01-10 (월) 02:30 2 Years ago Address
[@따아] 1년지나야 쭈굴거림이펴져요
근데 다욧안하면 다시 원상복구된답니다
엘리시아 2019-02-01 (금) 20:02 5 Years ago Address
지흡 좋다는 후기들만 보다가 이 후기 보니까 그냥 운동할까봐요ㅠ
뚜루류루붑 Writer 2019-02-02 (토) 17:44 5 Years ago Address
[@엘리시아] 네 ㅜㅜㅠ운동하세요 지흡하면 평소보다 운동 더해야대여 탄력때매. ㅠㅠ
운동 안해도 안찌고 유지된다는거 다 개구라에요 ㅋㅋㅋ
테일러힐 2019-02-07 (목) 19:29 5 Years ago Address
전 팔지흡했는데 확실히덜찌긴하는데
살이 님사진처럼 흐물하게되있어요
근력해야되는데 귀찮..ㅠ얼굴지흡은 진짜 피부작살날듯
미유야엄마얌 2019-02-08 (금) 00:31 5 Years ago Address
옴청하고싶어햇는데ㅜ러브핸들.. 감사해요ㅜㅠ
댕댕맘이당 2019-02-08 (금) 22:29 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
뚜루류루붑 Writer 2019-02-11 (월) 11:50 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
히나나나나 2019-02-11 (월) 00:32 5 Years ago Address
지흡생각하고있었는데 ㅜㅜ 고민해봐야겠네요..
여리팔뚝 2019-02-13 (수) 10:20 5 Years ago Address
근데 후기에 매끈한 팔들은 대체 뭘까여?뽀샵인가?ㅠㅜ
어려서 회복이 빠른겅가?ㅜㅜ
뚜루류루붑 Writer 2019-02-13 (수) 10:54 5 Years ago Address
[@여리팔뚝] 저두 어려요 ㅠㅠㅜ포샵해요 백퍼
뚱뚱한사람,통통한사람은 얇고 매끄럽게 나올수가없어요 피부자체가 살때매 늘어지고 넓어져있어서 지방 빼면 쭈글쭈글할수밖에없어욤
츈츈 2019-02-24 (일) 18:01 5 Years ago Address
팔뚝진짜 고민중인데 차라리 지방분해주사가 나을까요? ㅠㅠ
철수맘 2019-03-07 (목) 13:05 5 Years ago Address
헐...운동이 답인가요ㅠㅠ눈물.............
트위 2019-03-12 (화) 14:29 5 Years ago Address
아 운동..진짜 너무 힘든데ㅠ.ㅠ
아무리해도 안생기는 근육
며노기 2019-03-17 (일) 22:12 5 Years ago Address
병원정보 알수잇을까욤..?
Yassd 2019-03-27 (수) 02:24 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
소보루빵 2019-03-27 (수) 06:28 5 Years ago Address
병원정보좀 알수있을까요?
야마나나나낭 2019-04-08 (월) 04:04 5 Years ago Address
저랑 똑같네요 ㅜㅜ제친구들도 다 그래여 무조건 이렇게 되는거 깉아요
YoYa 2019-04-20 (토) 12:06 5 Years ago Address
저는 마른비만이였고 전체적으로 말라보이는데 속살이 많은 타입이였어요. 근데 저도 지흡을 하고나니까 남는피부가 생겨서 그러는건지 쳐지고 탄력도 없고,, 무슨 커튼처럼 접히네여
부작용시러염 2019-04-22 (월) 10:02 5 Years ago Address
예약걸어놧는대병원정보좀 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ
문미영 2019-05-15 (수) 07:50 5 Years ago Address
진짜 지흡비추요..그냥 다이어트열심히 하는게 제일좋은듯ㅜㅜ
날아라슈퍼보드 2019-05-18 (토) 14:28 5 Years ago Address
ㅜ 어렵네요요오 하기전에도 고민되고 하고나서도 고민되고 뭐가 맞을까요 아 젠장젠장 ㅜㅜㅜ
zlald 2019-05-28 (화) 14:04 5 Years ago Address
좋은 정보 감사해요 ㅜㅜ
홍당무우 2021-05-02 (일) 18:03 3 Years ago Address
고마워요~~^^ 이쁜 맘 가진 분 같어요 .
수지렁이 2024-07-24 (수) 18:56 4 Months ago Address
어디서 하셨어요??
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