<수술 전><수술 후><수술전><수술 후>It's been a month since I had the lung ring surgery. How's the line?? I was worried because my hip dip was more sunken than other people, but I had the surgery because the only answer was surgery! I had the abdominal fat removed from my sides and transplanted it to my hip dip. If you look at the before picture, all the fat is sticking out, and more than anything, my hip dip was too sunken ㅠㅠ When I wore tight clothes, I always wore the hip padding to match my hip dip. But when I took a picture wearing the same clothes after the surgery, all the fat was taken care of, my waist was thinner, and my hips were wider!!! Now I can say goodbye to the hip padding forever... When I first had the surgery, it hurt so much and I couldn't even get up on my own, but when I saw the changes in my body, I think I made the right decision to have the surgery ㅠㅠㅠ If there's anyone who has these concerns like me, I really recommend it!!! I always feel excited every time I put on clothes ㅎㅎ