<람스 전><1주차><2주차><팔뚝람스 6개월차>Ladies! I posted a review after getting LAMS for my arms,
and I got it for my abdomen this time too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ!
The effects of the arms were better than I thought, so
I consulted for my abdomen and even got LAMS for my belly fat~!
First, I got unlimited LAMS for my abdomen, and I think the best thing about LAMS is that you don’t have to wear compression garments!
You have to eat on the day of the procedure, and every time I go, the hospital is really clean, so I trust it in many ways!
The director took thorough care of my upper and lower abdomen, and for elasticity, she scraped it vertically? Maybe that’s why it’s still swollen for 1-2 weeks, but I can feel the difference in my lines!! What do ladies think?!
The abdomen didn’t hurt more than the arms! I also have less bruising and since it's winter and I'm wearing thick clothes, no one would know if I didn't tell them ㅋㅋㅋ
It's been 6 months since I've had my arms done and I really like the lines so I received the basic 3 sessions + 4 meso + 4 body conditioning + 4 meso as aftercare according to the information I got from Seongye Specialist. Thanks to them, I think the effects were much better so thank you so much to the Specialists who gave me the information ㅜㅜ~!~!~!