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Body Shaping job

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thigh liposuction one week

이응 2018-10-04 (목) 00:12 6 Years ago 2438
Day 1: I went into surgery around 11 am and woke up at 2:30. When I woke up in the recovery room, it didn't hurt as much as I thought. It was a little over an hour by subway from the hospital to home, but I arrived home safely, half sitting and half standing! When I got home and lay down, one of my calves suddenly swelled to the point of bursting and a bruise appeared. At this time, I was in so much pain that I wanted to cry, but I took painkillers, ate food, took antibiotics, and when I could bear it, I quickly fell asleep. Day 2-3: It doesn't hurt as much as I thought. Although it was a bit of a distance, there was no problem walking and living at home. Going to the bathroom, which everyone says feels like death, is not bad. However, I was not confident in leaving the house, so I praised myself a hundred times for not listening to the advice of the hospital counselor who said I could just take a day off. Day 4-5: My calf was swollen before, but it has returned to softness. But instead, it feels like my thighs are swollen. Going to the bathroom is starting to become difficult. When I took off my compression garment and took a shower for the first time, I noticed that I had more bruises than I expected. Biobond on both sides of the groin? I don't know if it is, but it's a round lump that pops up and is very sore. Day 6-7: Thighs turn into yellow pickled radish. At the same time, the bruises turn black and red, reaching their peak. I read somewhere on the internet that if the bruise turns red in a mesh format, there is a high chance that it will be discolored, but I am worried because it seems like that is exactly the case now. After applying the bruise cream, I put on the compression garment while the stickiness remained, but it hurt so much that I took off the compression garment today. In fact, it hurts even more because the skin shakes when I take off the compression garment. Height: late 160's, weight: mid-50's. My upper body was skinny, but my lower body, on the other hand, had a wide pelvis and a lot of fat only on the upper thighs and buttocks. There was originally a gap in the empty eye, but the riding fat was sticking out! I decided on surgery with the hope that liposuction would solve my riding fat complex. I couldn't see it with my own eyes, but the hospital said they removed close to 5000cc... In fact, I don't like the lines so far, perhaps because of the swelling. Riding still makes me look fat. I measure my thigh size every day with a tape measure, and my thigh size before and after surgery is the same. Usually, I wonder when the lines will become visible and I'm afraid that I've wasted money. My daily life is just eating, sleeping, and taking a light walk. If I had to stand up to work or have a situation that required a lot of movement, I don't think I would ever be able to do it. They say time is short, but it doesn't really pass.ㅠㅠ

Comment 6
꽃블리 2018-10-04 (목) 00:56 6 Years ago Address
혹시 직장인이신가요? 얼마정도 쉬어야 티안나게 출근가능할까요?.. 그리고 다리많이붓나요? 바지입엇을태 지장이잇나요
이응 Writer 2018-10-04 (목) 09:19 6 Years ago Address
[@꽃블리] 제가 생각하기에 겨우겨우 '출근'만 한다 : 2일
어기적거리면서 그래도 할 일 다한다 : 5일-7일
하나도 안아프고 완전 정상 : ??????저도 궁금
이렇게 생각하시면 될 것같아요. 전 사무직이고 대부분 앉아서 일 보는터라 상담실장이 수술 다음날 출근해도 된다고 그랬었는데 지금 생각해보니 말도 안되는 이야기 같구요. 최소 5일은 쉬어야 될 것 같아요. 물론 5일 쉬어도 무지 아프고 힘듭니다. 돈벌려고 참는거죠ㅠㅠ
짜미 2018-10-12 (금) 20:26 6 Years ago Address
체형 저랑 완전 비슷하세요~ 저도 허안이랑 승마땜에 알아보는중인데ㅠㅠ 저는 근육형이라 1천정도 나올것같다해서 절망입니다 허허..
양t 2018-12-09 (일) 16:08 5 Years ago Address
[@짜미] ㅠㅠ저도 근육형인데.. 근육형은 왜 더 비싼건가요???
낑콩 2018-11-17 (토) 03:40 6 Years ago Address
역시 하루 쉬면 된다는건 거짓말
아무무내꺼 2019-04-18 (목) 22:12 5 Years ago Address
지금 제상황이랑 비슷하시네요 ㅠ 저도 엊그제 했는데 2300cc뽑았거든요 근데 저는 바로 다음날 출근해도 마취가 안깨서 아프진않더라구요 줄자로 매번재는데 사이즈 축소 티가 안나요ㅠ 지금은 어떠신가요??
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