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Body Shaping job

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This is a review of the entire abdomen.

아리아 2018-08-31 (금) 08:19 6 Years ago 3487

hello. I posted a question a few days ago and decided to just do it. In the end, I did it at G7. I had my abdomen + love line + bra line done.   The photo was taken the evening right before the treatment and it was the first day of wearing the compression garment for the second time.   Even though it was the same day, there was less bruising than I thought. My back was a little bruised, but it wasn't a horrible bruise, just reddish-brown. I heard that,   and I don't think the swelling was too much. It varies from person to person, but I was shocked because the fluid didn't come out at the hospital and suddenly started gushing out when I got home.   It lasted about a day.  I'm already looking forward to the day when the stitches are removed and the swelling goes down.   But my posture is better. Strangely, my sides keep getting wrinkled. I heard that wrinkles leave marks. So I laid down. And the chest pain seemed to get worse because my waist was sticking out. I wonder if I need to get my arms stretched out.

Comment 13
인생역전필요 2018-08-31 (금) 09:25 6 Years ago Address
한군데 하고 나면 다른곳이 보인다고 하더라구요 ㅠㅠ ㅋㅋ 결국 전제지흡이 답이라고
아리아 Writer 2018-08-31 (금) 09:34 6 Years ago Address
제가 상비라서 고민하다가 복부했는데 결국 허리가 쏙들갔어요ㅋㅋ문제는 위에는 그대라서 역삼각형됬어요ㅋㅋ결국 팔도 해야될듯ㅡㅠㅠㅠ
인생역전필요 2018-09-03 (월) 14:39 6 Years ago Address
[@아리아] ㅋㅋㅋ 전지흡이 답이래요ㅠ 저는 팔먼저 예약하고왔어요..저도 그다음 다할지도ㅠ 지흡이 개미지옥이래요
어디서하셨어요? 복부?
아리아 Writer 2018-09-08 (토) 21:24 6 Years ago Address
[@인생역전필요] 지세븐에서  했어요ㅠ 예전에 어디가 낫냐는 질문글 올린적있었는데 걍 원장님 상담까지 해주는데서 했어요ㅋ
믱밍 2018-09-01 (토) 02:32 6 Years ago Address
저도복부생각중이예요..하고만족스러우면 팔하려구
아리아 Writer 2018-09-08 (토) 21:20 6 Years ago Address
[@믱밍] 저 진짜 상비였는데 복부하니 허리가 쏙들어갔어요

그래서 어깨가 넓어지는 부작용이..
그냥 팔도 예약걸었어요ㅡㅠ
민889 2018-09-03 (월) 13:10 6 Years ago Address
저두 지금 상담다니구 있어요..시술하는곳이 너무 많아서 맨붕이에요..
아리아 Writer 2018-09-08 (토) 21:22 6 Years ago Address
[@민889] ㅇㅇ저는 그냥 유명한곳 두군데 돌았어요
비용도 비슷해서 그냥 지세븐에서 했고요
병원다녀보면 그래도 감이오긴해요
양양군 2018-09-06 (목) 00:17 6 Years ago Address
저두 유독 복부가 심한데
저 전신생각중이라서
아리아 Writer 2018-09-08 (토) 21:23 6 Years ago Address
[@양양군] 저도 전신생각하고 있었는데 비용이 어마무시... 일단 상반신부터하려고요ㅡㅠ
양22 2018-09-12 (수) 13:23 6 Years ago Address
아직 사진을 제대로 못봤지만 너무 잘 되신거 같아요!!!
RASCAL 2018-09-13 (목) 13:21 6 Years ago Address
얼마주셧어요 허리 잘 팟는데요?? 축하드려용
ggpw**** 2018-09-20 (목) 18:41 6 Years ago Address
비용 정보부탁드립니다 ㅜㅠ
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