On May 13, 2023, I had my thigh suctioned and the scar was so bad that they said they would do the surgery again, but 3 months later they had surgery on the scar and made it worse, and they kept recommending that I get exosomes and skin botox, saying it would get better, but that's nonsense and other hospitals say I need a skin transplant. Even at another plastic surgery clinic, the scar broke out 3 days after undergoing surgery again.
헐 혹시 허벅지 흡입하는데 거기 절개들어간거야?? 누가요즘 보이는곳에 절개를 넣어... 나 진짜 발품 많이 팔아봣는데 절개 위치 중요해 내 피부가 켈로이드 체질인지 아닌지도 모르기 때문에 대부분 수영복 입더라도 가려지는 부위에 넣어주시던데 ㅠㅠ 그게 나를 위한 배려지... 진짜 속상하겟다 ㅠㅠ