What does it look like????
I think I can see the difference because it's my body, but
what does it look like to the public?...
I'm currently on a diet, so I'm continuing to lose weight, so I've already reached the 53kg range haha. I
've gained a lot of weight, and my clothes don't fit, and I'm desperate to cover it up, so I came to see a friend. I followed suit....
Finally, my clothes were able to fit properly, and recently I came home after eating in tight clothes. I'm so touched...
I'm going to the water bomb soon haha. I'm going to fight harder and try a crop top. Haha...
I guess I can wear a crop top. ?
I'm highly recommending it to people around me haha.
I've made an appointment for a consultation to get my forearms done soon.
How long have the bruises lasted for those who have had their forearms done?