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[Fat Dissolving Injection]

1 month review of fat extraction injection

귀빡 2024-06-24 (월) 18:42 4 Days ago 424
365mc병원 일산점
33 days

I keep eyeing Seongyesa every time, but I also write my review!! Summer is approaching, and as someone who was born fat, I thought there was a limit to losing weight through exercise alone, so this time I only performed fat extraction injections on my abdomen!!! Will you take a look at my changes and see if they are good?!!! It's still been a month and I'm very satisfied, but I'll lose a little more, right? I lost about 4.5 kg and my measurements went down one size from 66 to 55!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I think there is almost no lumpiness in my lower abdomen. I used mesojibunju and extracorporeal shock wave treatment together. Looking at the reviews, I think you can see that everyone is praising extracorporeal wave wave. I think extracorporeal wave really works great. I feel like it's almost gone hahahahahahahaha It's starting to get hot now, so I want to tighten my diet a little and spend this summer slim!!
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메이니 2024-06-28 (금) 17:51 5 Hours ago Address
라인이 진짜 대박!!!!!
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