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Body Shaping job

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Half-sized forearms..! This is it! Haha

ima40 2024-01-26 (금) 21:28 7 Months ago 2211
365mc병원 강남본점
400 만원
150 days
수술 전

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I was so stressed out about the arm fat that wouldn't go away with any exercise and the back fat that was pouring out that I decided to have surgery. She had the surgery at a specialist hospital famous for liposuction, and is currently in her fifth month since the surgery. Perhaps because it is a specialized hospital, they provided meticulous care from consultation to post-surgery care, and I decided to have the surgery because the hospital's honest policy of suctioning according to the individual's muscle mass or constitution through detailed examination rather than blindly increasing the suction amount was sincere. Since it was my first time having surgery, I was very worried and didn't know many things, so I asked a lot of questions, but I was also impressed by the attitude of the hospital medical staff who did not bother me and answered kindly from beginning to end. Because I didn't overdo the liposuction, there were no side effects (loss of elasticity or bumps) after liposuction, and I got the healthy and pretty arm lines I wanted. Currently, I have lost about 10 kg and am maintaining it. I am so satisfied that I wish I had done it a little earlier.

Comment 6
운지 2024-01-26 (금) 21:51 7 Months ago Address
뀨잉잉웅 2024-01-26 (금) 21:52 7 Months ago Address
헐 부럽다ㅜ
치치방구 2024-01-27 (토) 12:33 7 Months ago Address
혹시 저고라살 늘어짐은 없어.??
눈성공하자033 2024-01-28 (일) 10:12 7 Months ago Address
오옹 라인이쁘다!!
ㅂㅌㅂㅌ 2024-01-29 (월) 23:40 7 Months ago Address
대박 예뿌다
바나바나나 2024-03-06 (수) 10:38 6 Months ago Address
와 모태마름느낌
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