Mini lifting and Accu facial liposuction.
Accumulated fat and flesh in most of the lower canal area under the eyes
was suctioned with Accu! It's been a little over a month and I
've had quite a bit of swelling, but now the big swelling has gone down and I'm just
left with minor swelling. Small lumps? There's only a little bit left~
The biggest problem was my cheekbones, front cheeks, and jaw line, and the double chin...haha.
It's really nice that I can get my jaw line back like it's contoured
by doing mini lifting with Accu
. I think recovery varies from person to person, but what about
other people? I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm starting to feel some relief now. Any
minor pain? What was a little bit there is now almost gone.
I think the thing that showed the most effect was the jaw line.
If you have a fat lumpy face like mine, I
think it would be a good idea to try mini lifting and Accu jaw line preparation.