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Body Shaping job

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I had the second round of hip and pelvic fat grafting!!

설셜찌 2023-11-09 (목) 10:10 8 Months ago 3741

It's been a while since I had the second transplant from ㅂㅂㄹㅇ, but I'm finally writing a review... hahaha It's been about 3 months since I had my abdomen and thighs suctioned, and I also had the second transplant on my buttocks and pelvis!!! Isn’t it really so pretty?... I’m so, so happy.. Everyone, definitely get the transplant. The first time was great, but the second time, I was really gasping and everyone was going crazy, wondering if my pelvis was crazy even when I got dressed..!!

Comment 57
망망이에요 2023-11-09 (목) 10:28 8 Months ago Address
Wow, totally diva… ,,,
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-09 (목) 10:35 8 Months ago Address
My pelvis is really tight!!
956sohigh 2023-11-09 (목) 10:50 8 Months ago Address
Even though I exercise and lose weight, I can't seem to get my pelvis to work well ㅠㅠ Is JI the answer?... Can you tell me the price information??!!
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-09 (목) 11:35 8 Months ago Address
I'm so satisfied... Yesado Jii Kazua!! I sent it by message~
노력은배신하지않을거… 2023-11-25 (토) 22:23 7 Months ago Address
Can you tell me the price information? Please~!!
야물렁딱 2023-11-09 (목) 14:14 8 Months ago Address
The effect is good haha
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-10 (금) 10:49 8 Months ago Address
I really like Jiheup Jihee haha
이루사 2023-11-10 (금) 00:42 8 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
관심갖고눈팅 2023-11-10 (금) 01:31 8 Months ago Address
Good luck
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-10 (금) 10:51 8 Months ago Address
Thank you~~
커피양 2023-11-10 (금) 10:43 8 Months ago Address
wow … I wonder how many seeds are transplanted and how much it costs. How many days has it been and is the recovery fast? I'm so young ㅠ
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-10 (금) 10:57 8 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
삐리뺑 2023-11-11 (토) 15:30 8 Months ago Address
wow !
응애응애애기 2023-11-11 (토) 15:36 8 Months ago Address
Please tell me the price information! I really want to save money and do something.
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-13 (월) 11:04 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
응애응애애기 2023-11-13 (월) 12:46 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-14 (화) 10:08 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
땡땡문희 2023-11-11 (토) 23:45 7 Months ago Address
So pretty!! Does your pelvis feel soft when you touch it?
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-13 (월) 18:15 7 Months ago Address
Ugh, it was a little hard right after transplanting, but now it’s soft!
꾸엥이 2023-11-13 (월) 18:28 7 Months ago Address
Wow, it turned out so beautifully. Can I get price information?
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-14 (화) 10:09 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
주이연 2023-11-15 (수) 21:05 7 Months ago Address
Wow, this is totally my wannabe. What is the price?? ㅠㅠ
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-16 (목) 10:29 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
쀼쀼삐 2023-11-18 (토) 22:39 7 Months ago Address
Wow, your pelvis is crazy. Where did you get it extracted and transplanted?
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-23 (목) 10:25 7 Months ago Address
I suctioned the abdomen and thighs and put it in the buttocks and pelvis!
맘굼맘 2023-11-22 (수) 04:22 7 Months ago Address
It went so well. I’m jealous. How did it cost?!
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-23 (목) 10:25 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
ekfjls 2023-11-23 (목) 21:10 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-24 (금) 18:07 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
soyeon1111 2023-11-25 (토) 02:25 7 Months ago Address
Wow it’s so prettyㅠㅠㅠCan you tell me the price??
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-29 (수) 17:28 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
킹그라스 2023-11-25 (토) 16:55 7 Months ago Address
Please give me the price and informationㅠㅠㅠ
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-29 (수) 17:28 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
제이우 2023-11-29 (수) 15:27 7 Months ago Address
Can you give me some information too?
설셜찌 Writer 2023-11-29 (수) 17:28 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
제이우 2024-03-18 (월) 14:34 3 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
주히쨩 2023-11-29 (수) 22:24 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
쏘카짱 2023-12-01 (금) 12:16 7 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
돌이구르면맨들 2024-01-19 (금) 23:34 5 Months ago Address
와진짜 대박이다ㅠㅠ병원이랑 원장님이랑 비용 정보 공유 가능해? 완전 내 워너비
루빙비 2024-01-27 (토) 16:33 5 Months ago Address
와 완전 워너비 몸매 됐다.... 나두 비용 공유좀 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 흡입이랑 이식 비용 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
동글동그리리링 2024-02-28 (수) 06:30 4 Months ago Address
헐 너무이쁨,,
양양뀽뀽조이야 2024-03-11 (월) 01:44 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
미냣 2024-04-08 (월) 21:28 3 Months ago Address
와 정보좀여 병원원장님 가격좀여!!
설셜찌 Writer 2024-06-20 (목) 11:52 26 Days ago Address
답이 너무 늦었어 ㅠㅠ 쪽지보내놨어!
jenniejenn… 2024-04-12 (금) 07:21 3 Months ago Address
우아 너무 예뿌다 몇씨씨씩 넣었어? 가격은? 나도 정보부탁해
설셜찌 Writer 2024-06-20 (목) 11:51 26 Days ago Address
답이 너무 늦었어 ㅠㅠ 지금이라도 도움이 되길!
옹리리 2024-04-17 (수) 18:32 2 Months ago Address
어디서 했는지 나도 알고 싶어 부탁해!
설셜찌 Writer 2024-06-20 (목) 11:50 26 Days ago Address
너무 답이 늦었어 ㅠㅠ 지금이라도 도움이된다면 다행일텐뎋ㅎㅎ
도라도 2024-04-20 (토) 21:37 2 Months ago Address
와 대박..나도 정보 알수 있을까!
설셜찌 Writer 2024-06-20 (목) 11:49 26 Days ago Address
답 늦어서 죄성여 ㅠㅠ 수술하고 만족해서 여기 잘 안들어왔어...ㅎㅎ
어쩔팁 2024-04-24 (수) 01:15 2 Months ago Address
와...너무하고싶어서 검색하다가 지금에야 보게됐는데 너무대박이예요ㅠㅠ늦었지만 병원정보 비용알수있을까요? 유지기간도궁금해요ㅠㅠ
설셜찌 Writer 2024-06-20 (목) 11:49 26 Days ago Address
늦었지만 쪽지 보내놨어요!
깡눈 2024-05-26 (일) 16:14 1 Months ago Address
정보 부탁드랴요 진짜 너무 이뻐요ㅠㅠ
설셜찌 Writer 2024-06-20 (목) 11:48 26 Days ago Address
너무 늦었지만 쪽지 보냈어여!
qwe343 2024-06-25 (화) 15:06 21 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
나희도머리 2024-06-28 (금) 18:02 18 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
스탠리 2024-07-08 (월) 00:39 8 Days ago Address
너무 워너비입니다 ㅠㅠ 병원 원장님 정보 부탁드랴요…
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