<수술 당일><한달차><한달차><한달차>Anyang examples!
I brought a review after 1 month of abdominal aspiration.
I am 163 and 60kg,
but I was very obese and had
lot of internal fat from drinking and eating shows.
After thinking and thinking, I did abdominal aspiration first on the 6/8th!
I'm going to do the thighs too, but the thighs have low hemoglobin levels, so I got suckered on the day of the surgery
, so it was postponed
to the end of July
. InBody also came out really obese, but now it's reduced to mild obesity!
Now I'm going to do my thighs and work hard to make a better line!
After definitely breathing, my lines got better and the shorts that didn't fit fit right ㅠㅠ
I didn't work hard wearing a dress, but it looks like that!!!
It's gotten so much better hahahahaha I
still have some idiots, so my lines aren't perfect, but
I'm going to make my lines look pretty by receiving high frequency treatment and stretching!