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Forearm Infinite Rams

syuon77 2023-06-01 (목) 01:32 1 Years ago 2177
365mc병원 (강남본점)
300 만원
7 days








I received Palmuhan Rams on May 25th! The photos are in order: before RAMS - on the day - day 2 - present. Before RAMS, I was always worried about the back convexity and my forearms being thick compared to my body. That's why I had RAMS, a fat extraction injection, this time! On the day of Rams, I was really nervous and nervous. The pain was more than I expected. It was the first pain I felt in the world..? After RAMS , I had no feeling in my arm and it felt like my arm wasn't my own. My arm would never go up above my shoulder, and if I tried to raise it forcibly, the pain was severe. It wasn't so much that I couldn't do my daily life at all, but after the procedure 1-2 I think it would be better to work and rest at home! I went to work the very next day, but it was really hard. Right now, as you can see in the picture, the bruising and swelling are very severe. It will gradually disappear in at least 2 weeks, so don't worry! It looks like a purple sweet potato, right? I've been applying bruise cream consistently. Now I'm going to get my first post-treatment extracorporeal shock wave treatment this afternoon! The extracorporeal shock waves further destroy the remaining fat, and I hope that the bruising and swelling on my face will go down. Until the day when I become a boner!!!!

Comment 16
뚱빵뚜 2023-06-01 (목) 12:10 1 Years ago Address
Jiheup also bruised like that, and the extraction was the same.ㅠㅠ
syuon77 Writer 2023-06-02 (금) 14:51 1 Years ago Address
얼른 멍이 빠졌으면..
김대윤 2023-06-01 (목) 13:58 1 Years ago Address
우와 쩐당
syuon77 Writer 2023-06-02 (금) 14:52 1 Years ago Address
치즈푸딩 2023-06-01 (목) 14:20 1 Years ago Address
아프지는 않어?
syuon77 Writer 2023-06-02 (금) 14:52 1 Years ago Address
팔 누가 치거나 어깨위로 올리지않는 이상 안아파!
막막345676 2023-06-01 (목) 16:03 1 Years ago Address
생각보다 멍이 많이들었네 ? 다음 후기 궁금하다 ㅋㅋ
syuon77 Writer 2023-06-02 (금) 14:52 1 Years ago Address
다음 후기도 가져올겡 ㅠㅠ
베미니 2023-06-01 (목) 21:47 1 Years ago Address
지흡이랑 비슷하게 멍드는데 회복력이 더 빠룬강?
syuon77 Writer 2023-06-02 (금) 14:51 1 Years ago Address
웅! 더 일상생활 바로가능!
쀼링리 2023-06-04 (일) 00:06 1 Years ago Address
와 근데 진짜 라인 정리된거 대박이야! 넘 예쁨!
슛뀻슋귣 2023-06-05 (월) 18:49 1 Years ago Address
외오 람스가 지흡보다 멍이 많이 드나? ㅠㅠ 그래도 넘 고생했어 이틀찬데 벌써 효과보이네
Suerte1958 2023-06-06 (화) 23:31 1 Years ago Address
멍이 진짜 많이 들었다~~ 고생했어ㅠㅠ 원래 멍이 잘드는 피부야? 손목까지 멍들었네~ 추출은 그래도 다 효과 보더라. 나도 너무 하고 싶은데 이제 여름이라 못하겠어;; 긴팔입을 수도 없고..
귤땡 2023-06-12 (월) 22:05 1 Years ago Address
많이 아프구나..통증은 어느정도 감수해야하나보넹ㅜ
아아아아아아아 2023-06-18 (일) 02:44 1 Years ago Address
어디서했나요ㅠ? 원장님도 성함도 부탁드려요
딸기우유88 2023-10-17 (화) 17:57 10 Months ago Address
통증 나도 무섭다ㅠ
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