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Body Shaping job

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3rd week of extremely obese abdomen, now let's go to double digits

쥬쨩 2023-05-22 (월) 23:20 1 Years ago 1992

It's been a while since I came here to write a review. Haha. You have to write a review to get motivated. You've often heard that dieting is a matter of will, right ? If you're severely obese, you'll often think about losing weight quickly, but the more I do it, the more I gain... and in the end, I'm 120. I know I have to do it, but I know I can do it , but I think there are many people who are exhausted from lethargy, and it was Jiheum that gave me hope in that situation . Of course, it's a panacea. No, it's really a big surgery, so I was absolutely safe, safe, safe!!! and had it done at a famous large hospital. I received it from a director with a lot of clinical experience. Jiheup gave me great motivation and change, so I started exercising, eating, and making an effort to live my life. I have now moved from the 110s to the 100s, and my goal is double digits!!! I'm definitely going to wear the Moncler padding that I can't wear this winter because I've gained weight (my younger brother is wearing it, hehehe). Please watch me change as I lose weight step by step through the surgery !! In the next review, I'll come back on the verge of double digits or with a change !! %%After the surgery, my skin became dry and my abdomen was very itchy. After showering, I applied a lot of lotion and massaged it, which was great!!! If you have any questions, I'll answer them. Feel free to leave a comment :)
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Comment 36
달달한복숭아 2023-05-23 (화) 00:19 1 Years ago Address
의지가 보인다! 두자리 금방될꺼야!! 화이팅!!!!
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-05-23 (화) 17:11 1 Years ago Address
쀼우뀨 2023-05-23 (화) 03:33 1 Years ago Address
개인적으로 에스테틱관리는 받고있는거아? 지방빠진자리 피부늘어졌을거같은데. 수술받은병원에서 사후케어 뭐해줫어?
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-05-23 (화) 17:12 1 Years ago Address
나도 엄청 늘어질줄 알았는데
오히려 조금 운동하면 나아질것 같아 배는 솔직히
아직 뭉침 있어서 후관리 받는중 병원에서 후관리 잘해주고 있어
쀼이잉 2023-05-23 (화) 04:14 1 Years ago Address
진짜 대박이다 많이 안늘어졌네?
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-05-23 (화) 17:12 1 Years ago Address
It's better than I thought !ㅋ
Lisa792 2023-05-23 (화) 07:26 1 Years ago Address
우와 ㅊㅋㅊㅋ
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-05-23 (화) 17:12 1 Years ago Address
고마워 2자리 되면 다시 올게!!
qkak0000 2023-05-23 (화) 13:52 1 Years ago Address
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-05-23 (화) 17:12 1 Years ago Address
커커차이나 2023-05-23 (화) 16:57 1 Years ago Address
헐 대박
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-05-23 (화) 17:12 1 Years ago Address
특배 2023-05-23 (화) 17:43 1 Years ago Address
진짜 멋있다!!!!!! 꼭 원하는 목표에 도달할 수 있게 응원할ㄲㅔ!!!
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-05-23 (화) 20:14 1 Years ago Address
고마눠!! 얄심히 해서 또 돌아올게!!
햄지 2023-05-28 (일) 23:10 1 Years ago Address
멋져!! 꼭 목표에 도달하길 ㅇ응원할게!!
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-06-02 (금) 20:45 1 Years ago Address
고마워 이제 8키로 더 빼고 등장해야해 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아쟈
헹주 2023-06-02 (금) 18:00 1 Years ago Address
화이팅 열심히해서 후기또 남겨줘!!!!!
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-06-02 (금) 20:45 1 Years ago Address
응원 고마워! 열심히 할게!!
겨우링 2023-06-02 (금) 23:44 1 Years ago Address
진짜 멋있다 .. 나도 이번에 대용량 뽑았는데 진짜 너무 힘들더라 ㅜㅜ !! 회복 잘하고왕 !! ㅎㅎ
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-07-03 (월) 11:40 1 Years ago Address
대용량 하는거 쉽지 않은데 예사도 고생해떠 ㅠㅠ
qoogh 2023-06-29 (목) 03:52 1 Years ago Address
나도 고도비만이고 지흡받을건데 우리 같이 힘내보쟈!!!
그리고 다른 글에서 교대 숫자 병원인거는 봤는데 가격이랑 원장님 정보는 못찾아서ㅠ 혹시 공유해줄 수 있을까?
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-07-03 (월) 11:41 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Magique 2023-07-03 (월) 02:35 1 Years ago Address
와 라인정리 잘된구같다!! 살뭉친거 마사지랑 레이저해줄때 엄청 아프다던데 어땠어??
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-07-03 (월) 11:41 1 Years ago Address
그래도 나름 괜찮아!! 카복시가 지옥이야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠㅠ
Magique 2023-07-04 (화) 10:51 1 Years ago Address
카복시는 안해봤는데 그것도 아프구나ㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋ 앗 혹시 나도 가격이랑 원장님 정보 받을수 잇을까..? 이전글 봤는데 못찾겠어서! 부탁할게!
뜨쿠 2023-07-08 (토) 09:06 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-07-08 (토) 09:25 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
뜨쿠 2023-07-08 (토) 10:35 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-07-08 (토) 16:36 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
뜨쿠 2023-07-09 (일) 22:12 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
쥬쨩 Writer 2023-07-10 (월) 23:49 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
호롤로룰루 2023-10-19 (목) 08:35 10 Months ago Address
혹시 원장님 이름 알 수 잇을까?ㅠ 나도 초고도비만이라ㅠㅜㅜ
밍뮹 2023-12-22 (금) 13:52 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오이오이이오 2024-06-05 (수) 18:18 3 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
iliilllili… 2024-06-27 (목) 00:09 2 Months ago Address
첫 글부터 정독하고 왔어!
나도 같은생각을 가지고 있어서 진짜 잘 읽었고 도움이 됐옹
나두 지흡하려고해!
이번주 토요일에 상담가는데 나두 예사처럼 좋은 결과 잇음 좋겟당
언능 후기 더 쪄줘~ 기다릴껩
토루니 2024-07-30 (화) 22:31 1 Months ago Address
병원정보 가격궁금해요!!!!!
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