My spec is 159/58..
I 'm a bit on the chubby side, but my arm fat
was especially bigger than other parts.
? When you stand at attention, your back forearms protrude, and when you stand at attention properly, the shape of your arms gets weird (?) ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ -Feeling
during the procedure
I received the procedure in a prone position,
but it was very, very, very scary x100. I'm a little relaxed...
First, I'm working on injecting a solution that dissolves fat.
At this time, the feeling is really strange and it hurts. It was really painful because it felt full to the point that I wanted to.
But at that moment, he gave me a foot massage and turned on the radio, so it was a little better... Huh,
I was
surprised when I looked in the mirror after the procedure
. I have been picked
Since it is a procedure in which fat is forcibly removed with a needle, there is quite a bit of pain after the procedure.
I am also an office worker, so I took my annual leave on Friday and had the procedure. It was fortunate that I did it on Friday... It's
not to the extent that I can't do my daily life very, very well , but it hurts when someone touches it, and it was difficult to lift my arm.
This costs a lot, so you must wear long sleeves. Office workers must wear it on the weekend..!!
- After a week of post-
treatment, they said that they lost 1cm in the circumference of their forearm in the week
They say that I will lose about 4 cm more in the future, so I have to take the diet pills prescribed together!!
PS. The fat extraction injection process causes a lot of bruises, so wear long sleeves in the weather!!!! Treat it!!! Recommend this time!